
The study paper on the function of the nurse practitioner.
1. Choose and explain a job for an advanced nurse practitioner.
2. How come you’re training to be a nurse practitioner?
3. Locate a research article, a summary of the publication, and expert commentary regarding the function of the nurse practitioner.
4. What is the position of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) regarding the necessity of nurse practitioners?
5. Describe the impact you will have on patient outcomes and the healthcare industry as an advanced practice nurse.

Instructions for Submission:
• Students must write a precise and concise paper; incorrect grammar, punctuation, and spelling will result in a zero.
• With the title, abstract, and references page excluded, the paper cannot be any less than four pages or any longer than five pages.
• Include in your paper at least five recent, scholarly journal articles (written in the last five years) or main legal sources (statutes, court judgments). Books and journal articles should be cited using the most recent version of the APA style.

The Function of a Practitioner of Advanced Nursing
a. An explanation of a clinical nursing specialist’s responsibilities.
b. Why am I training to be a nurse practitioner?
c. A piece about the role of community primary care nurses.
d. The requirements for Institute of Medicine nursing practitioners.
e. My contribution to patient outcomes and the healthcare industry as an advanced nurse practitioner.


The Specialist in Clinical Nursing
1. An expert clinical nurse According to Tracy et al. (2020), CNS is an advanced nursing practitioner with special qualifications to promote evidence-based, individualized healthcare. These nurses are skilled at using cutting-edge technologies to provide high-quality care. In order to comprehend patients and deliver high-quality, customized care, CNSs also have patient behavior cognition traits (Tracy et al., 2020). To help them in their profession, CNSs receive extensive training in leadership and specialist healthcare. According to Maimais et al. (2022), they play a crucial role in nursing practice streamlining, patient emancipation in health matters, nursing research initiative leadership, and nursing practice consulting. By implementing cutting-edge nursing practices, CNSs demonstrate leadership in the nursing field and guarantee that underprivileged populations can receive high-quality, specialized care without being hindered by institutional hurdles. Because CNSs can write specific prescriptions, they can also encourage flexibility in the provision of services, so enhancing primary care.
2. My deep-seated desire is to improve my society beyond what it was when I arrived. In addition, I respect humanitarian work—any modest amount of assistance to those in need within society. I want to work as a nurse practitioner so that I may reduce or remove the systemic barriers that prevent everyone in society, regardless of socioeconomic background, from having equitable access to healthcare. Certain social determinants of health negatively impact marginalized groups, making it challenging for them to get timely, affordable, and high-quality healthcare (Whitehead et al., 2022). Illness outbreaks, crippling medical disorders, and unequal access to healthcare services are all encouraged by socioeconomic hardships and community marginalization. The living conditions that are substandard exacerbate comorbidity and the impoverished’s overall exposure. My desire to be an independent and significant contribution to the nursing profession stems from my love for innovation and driving change for a better society. My motivation stems from my desire to carry out cutting-edge research on diseases and slow down their course, monitor communities, and advocate for a proactive rather than reactive strategy to resolving health issues (Whitehead et al., 2022). I firmly believe that the nursing profession will experience a widespread shift toward the realization of specialized and patient-centered care as a result of my modest leadership and contribution.
3. A Cross-Sectional Study of Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers with Their Own Patient Panels and Organizational Structures
• Nurse practitioners supply qualified individuals to promote specialized primary care since it is necessary to advance primary healthcare throughout the United States. Because they have received the training and education necessary to enhance skillful and timely solutions for health-related problems, nursing practitioners are uniquely suited. By interacting with patients in their main environment, primary healthcare intervention would remove the strain on the current healthcare systems and infrastructures. According to Poghosyan et al. (2017), primary care is advantageous for nurses as well since it encourages equitable and widespread access to healthcare services for all, hence removing structural obstacles to high-quality, universal healthcare.
• The US implemented the primary care intervention to improve service delivery and efficiency by making healthcare services more widely accessible. At the time, there was a shortage of primary caretakers, which prompted the project. Primary care nurses were qualified to offer patients specialized care, including writing prescriptions for medications. Primary care nurse practitioners might operate independently and as leaders in improving healthcare by implementing the purposeful capacity-building strategies that were implemented (Poghosyan et al., 2017).
• Structural impediments such as policy differences for the various states affected the nursing practitioners. Confusion arose as some organizations deployed nursing practitioners in the primary caregiver role while others did not. In some jurisdictions, nursing practitioners managed patient panels within their community. Patient panels promoted optimized access to nursing care as the nurses interacted with the patients in their basic natural setting, educating them and conducting research on diseases. The differences in deployment and the roles of nursing practitioners in different jurisdictions are, however, an impediment to the success of individualized and continuous specialized care (Poghosyan et al., 2017).
• Inadequate policy changes deprive nursing professionals of their rights since their leadership fails to sufficiently address their predicament. As a result, they continue to face structural obstacles at work, which makes providing services more difficult. The lack of clear job roles for nurses restricts their ability to specialize. Their service delivery is hampered by a lack of support and favorable working circumstances, which is terrible for the patients. Because there are more instances of unhappy employees, health facilities experience a rise in worker turnover (Poghosyan et al., 2017).
• Inadequate policy changes deprive nursing professionals of their rights since their leadership fails to sufficiently address their predicament. As a result, they continue to face structural obstacles at work, which makes providing services more difficult. The lack of clear job roles for nurses restricts their ability to specialize. Their service delivery is hampered by a lack of support and favorable working circumstances, which is terrible for the patients. Because there are more instances of unhappy employees, health facilities experience a rise in worker turnover (Poghosyan et al., 2017).


4. The Institute of Medicine seeks to advance fair and inexpensive healthcare for all, foster workplace cooperation, and improve competitive pay for high-quality service provision. The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) recommendation was to remove any barriers to the scope of practice for nurses (Sullivan, 2018). Rather, IOM mandated that nurse practitioner’s complete additional coursework and work in a position that matched their qualifications. The nursing professionals had to put their experience to use advocating for universal access to high-quality primary healthcare at a reasonable cost. According to IOM guidelines, nurse practitioners who meet the necessary requirements may act as physicians. The IOM’s proposals aimed to remove systemic obstacles to the prompt and specialized provision of healthcare services. Additionally, it would enable nurse practitioners to make independent clinical judgments, removing needless delays in the provision of services. The goal of empowering nursing practitioners was also to inspire them to advance their knowledge and abilities, so boosting healthcare competency and efficiency and reducing the need for readmissions to hospitals (Sullivan, 2018).
5. In my capacity as an advanced practice nurse, I will spearhead the industry’s change and standards while advancing nursing practice leadership. Equipped with the necessary specialist training abilities, I will direct research to address clinical issues and advance the provision of standardized, evidence-based nursing care to every patient. Furthermore, I would guarantee patient care agility as an advanced practice nurse by offering independent and thorough care (Htay & Whitehead, 2021). Through expedited service delivery, I would guarantee that all patients have access to high-quality, reasonably priced medical treatment. I’ll also use my special abilities to promote individualized patient care.