
The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education

Employee Training
Research and technology play a major role in the constant developments made in the healthcare profession. In order to give these patients safe, high-quality treatment, the nurses tending to them must be fully informed about the most recent research findings. Health care providers’ education and competency level have a direct impact on the quality of care they deliver to their patients.

The term “staff education” or “staff development” describes a nurse’s role in assisting other healthcare professionals with orientation, socialization, education, and training in order to guarantee staff competency and assist them in meeting facility and accrediting body standards (Holman et al., 2019).

Instruction for Staff in a Medical Surgical Unit
The purpose of staff education is to develop knowledge and competence, which gives nurses tremendous opportunities to take on leadership roles. Upon hiring a freshly licensed nurse, an experienced nurse would typically provide orientation to the new member of the team. They will impart rules, procedures, and safety protocol knowledge to the newly hired nurse. Additionally, by overseeing their performance and the development of new abilities, nurses assume a leadership role during the orientation of recent graduates to the department (Holman et al., 2019). The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education.

The process of socialization, or how well an individual picks up a new function and the values of the group in which that role is implemented, is a crucial component of staff education. This makes it possible for the various personalities of both new hires and seasoned employees to get along well, which eventually improves patient outcomes.


During orientation and interviews, nurses in leadership positions—such as staff development educators and unit managers—often start this process and carry it through to the clinical unit. Ensuring that staff members possess and uphold the most recent information and abilities required to meet client demands is the aim of staff education (Holman et al., 2019).

It is necessary to determine a demand for knowledge or skill proficiency before educational programs may be offered. Urinary tract infections are among the most prevalent infections linked to healthcare, making up as much as 36% of all infections linked to healthcare. Up to 80% are caused by catheter-associated urinary tract infections, or CAUTIs.  The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education

According to Parker et al. (2017), para. 1, “Indwelling urinary catheter (IDC) insertions may be unnecessary or inappropriate in many cases, which can lead to major and potentially preventable patient distress, embarrassment, discomfort, pain, and activity restrictions in addition to a significant care burden, costs, and hospitalization.”

A nurse in a leadership role would first recognize this problem, then look for weaknesses in the data and create learning objectives to address the needs. In this situation, a nurse ought to investigate potential CAUTI causes. The most significant factor influencing bacteriuria is the length of catheterization, and the incidence of CAUTI rises by 3% to 7% daily following the implantation of an indwelling urine catheter.Forty According to Flores-Mireles et al. (2019), the risk of CAUTI and associated complications can rise to 80% even with short-term urinary catheterization, and to nearly 100% with prolonged catheterization.

A nurse in a leadership role would first recognize this problem, then look for weaknesses in the data and create learning objectives to address the needs. In this situation, a nurse ought to investigate potential CAUTI causes. The most significant factor influencing bacteriuria is the length of catheterization, and the incidence of CAUTI rises by 3% to 7% daily following the implantation of an indwelling urine catheter.Forty According to Flores-Mireles et al. (2019), the risk of CAUTI and associated complications can rise to 80% even with short-term urinary catheterization, and to nearly 100% with prolonged catheterization.

The strategies covered in these bundles center on minimizing the needless implantation of urinary catheters, promoting their timely removal, and guaranteeing correct adherence to general infection control guidelines, which include hand hygiene, catheter use monitoring and feedback, aseptic insertions, appropriate maintenance, and clinical staff education. (Para 20 of Flores-M.reles et al., 2019).The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education

The nurse will develop and implement a program to address the shortcomings in achieving these goals in light of the findings. The program’s effectiveness is assessed in the final step, which involves examining the CAUTI data on the unit after the training program to see if the rates have decreased.


Nursing Procedure

The nursing process is a cooperative, patient-centered method for assessing and diagnosing patients, figuring out what they need, and giving them high-quality, safe care. The five sequential steps in this practice are diagnosis, planning, execution, assessment, and evaluation. This approach can be used to assess nurses on a medical surgical unit, albeit patients are usually the main emphasis.

For instance, during the assessment stage, the nurse in the CAUTI scenario above will gather data about the unit using a number of methods. This covers the percentage of UTIs contracted while on the unit, subjective and objective statistics, proper supply checking, and the current CAUTI prevention methods. During the diagnostic phase, the nurse arrives at a well-informed decision regarding a current or potential future health concern for the unit.The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education

Ineffective role performance and inadequate knowledge would be potential diagnoses in this situation. Every diagnosis from the previous stage is assigned a quantifiable target during the planning process to help the unit achieve its final, anticipated result, which may be a 50% decrease in CAUTIs by the end of the month. When it comes time for the implementation phase, the nurse describes what they can do to help the unit achieve the objectives that were stated during the planning phase.

These include direct patient care, such as keeping an eye on patients’ symptoms and monitoring them for improvement or worsening, as well as adhering to correct insertion technique and meatus maintenance. The nurse will assess the patient after carrying out all of the treatments to ascertain whether the patient’s planning stage goals were adequately achieved or if they need to be modified.

A nurse educator must watch the nurses providing care for patients with IDCs during the assessment phase. This allows the instructor to evaluate the nurses’ proficiency in safe and exact execution of skills like insertion and removal. Another valuable source of information about the effectiveness of the unit is the nurse. It is crucial that the nurse provide the nurse educator with subjective information about how smoothly the unit runs and whether or not she gets enough help from her peers. The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education.

This enables the teacher to assess tension, worry, and any areas where cooperation needs improvement. The educator should also evaluate the nurses’ understanding of IDCs and CAUTI prevention. The present average number of IDCs and days inserted should be evaluated, noted, and contrasted with future findings in order to measure evidence-based outcomes.

The nurse educator will be able to diagnosis the unit for CAUTI-related areas for improvement based on the results of the assessment conducted above. In the event that nurses insert catheters without following aseptic technique during the educator’s assessment, there is a great chance that bacteria will enter the patient’s urinary system and eventually result in an infection. The process may cause anxiety in nurses as well.

In the course of the subjective data assessment, nurses may express sentiments of fear and overload. For instance, they may agree that bag emptying and meatus cleaning should be done at the appropriate times, but they may also complain that a lack of staff and assistance prevents them from seeing patients on time. They could feel overburdened and worry that patients will contract preventable infections as a result. The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education.

Measurable objectives are linked to the previously mentioned nursing diagnosis during the planning phase. By the end of the training program, one of the main objectives of this unit would be to be able to articulate and perform the proper aseptic procedure when inserting an indwelling catheter. The most reputable nursing essay writing service is where you may purchase your NURS201 Medical Surgical Nursing Staff Education Essay.

Nurses who are proficient in this ability can considerably lower a patient’s risk of developing a CAUTI. Article for NRS201 Staff Education in Medical-Surgical Nursing. Along with addressing anxiety, the educator should set a goal for unit personnel to report feeling less worried and more supported by the conclusion of their shift.

The nurse in charge will design and carry out an educational initiative centered on CAUTI prevention during this stage. During this program, evidence-based procedures such as closed drainage systems, aseptic and sterile technique, hand cleanliness, avoiding indwelling catheters when essential, and removing catheters immediately when no longer needed will be reviewed and highlighted. The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education.

The nurse will also educate the unit delegation techniques so that they can function as a cohesive unit and reduce feelings of overload. Additionally, they will learn relaxation and deep breathing exercises to assist reduce their anxiety and foster a more harmonious environment. The response to this essay complies with the requirements for the The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education.

The unit’s progress must be measured during the evaluation phase in order to ascertain whether the planning stage’s objectives were properly achieved. Following participation in the nurse educator-organized CAUTI prevention program, each nurse on the medical-surgical unit would have successfully and safely inserted a urinary indwelling catheter, demonstrating that the first aim had been achieved.

Every nurse would be able to outline each step in detail and explain why it is necessary. When nurses who were experiencing overload used deep breathing, delegating, and relaxation techniques, they reported feeling less anxious.


Through staff development, nurses can improve their attitudes, knowledge, and abilities to make the workplace safer and more productive for all parties. Every aspect of staff education and the nursing process involves leadership. More training enables nurses to handle a wider range of patient requirements and think more critically, improving patient outcomes. For you, we will compose a unique essay on The essay for NURS201 Medical-Surgical Nursing Staff Education.


Flores-Mireles, A., Hreha, T. N., & Hunstad, D. A. (2019). Pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention of catheter- associated urinary tract infection. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 25(3), 228–240.

Holman, H. C., Williams, D., Johnson, J., Sommer, S., Ball, B. S., & Lemon, T. (2019). Managing Client Care. In Nursing Leadership and Management: Review Module (pp. 10–11). essay, Assessment Technologies Institute.

Parker, V., Giles, M., Graham, L., Suthers, B., Watts, W., O’Brien, T., & Searles, A. (2017, May 2). Avoiding inappropriate urinary catheter use and catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI): A pre-post Control Intervention Study – BMC Health Services Research. SpringerLink. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from