
Staff nurse questions with answers for upcoming nursing exam 2022

1. During pregnancy, which of the following is NOT increased?
a) Oral stage
b) Anal stage
c) Phallic stage
d) Genital stage
Answer. Phallic Stage

2. A bleeding disorder characterized by deficiency of factor (VIII) 8 and (IX) 9 is termed as?
a) Thrombocytopenia
b) Leukemia
c) Both A and B
d) Hemophilia
Answer. Hemophilia

3. The denominator in vertex presentation is?
a) Occiput
b) Mentum
c) Sacrum
d) Scapula
Answer. Occiput

4. The amount of blood rejected during each ventricular contraction is termed as?
a) Stroke volume
b) Cardiac output
c) Tidal volume
d) Heart rate
Answer. Stroke volume

5. Which hormone is responsible for the development of the ovum during the menstrual cycle?
a) Luteinizing hormone (LH)
b) Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
c) Beta human chorionic gonadotropin (Beta HCG)
d) Progesterone
Answer. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)


6. Parkland formula is used in which patient?
a) Paralyzed patient
b) CKD patient
c) Burns patient
d) CVA patient
Answer. Burns patient

7. The common type of ectopic pregnancy is?
a) Tubal pregnancy
b) Ovarian pregnancy
c) Abdominal pregnancy
d) Cervical pregnancy, Staff nurse questions with answers for upcoming nursing exam 2022
Answer. Tubal pregnancy

8. Which is the most common site for fertilization in the fallopian tube?
a) Intramural
b) Isthmus
c) Ampulla
d) Infundibulum
Answer. Ampulla

9. Name the non-stimulant drug with Norepinephrine reuptake inhibiting action used in the treatment of ADHD.
a) Atomoxetine
b) Clonazepam
c) Pimozide
d) Methotrexate
Answer. Atomoxetine

10. Which anti-tuberculosis drug causes poor vision and difficulty in color perception?
a) Streptomycin
b) Rifampin
c) Pyrazinamide
d) Ethambutol
Answer. Ethambutol

11. Which among the following drug is used to treat the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and may cause side effects like dry mouth and difficulty swallowing?
a) Omeprazole
b) Dicyclomine
c) Magnesium sulphate
d) Nexium
Answer. Dicyclomine

12. Rose Bengal test is used in the diagnosis of?
a) Brucellosis
b) Whooping cough
c) Bronchiectasis
d) Rheumatoid arthritis
Answer. Brucellosis

13. According to Sigmund Freud, which component of personality operates according to the reality principle?
a) ID
b) Super ego
c) Ego
d) Trust
Answer. Ego

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14. The tactile epithelial cells are also known as?
a) Data cells
b) Beta cells
c) Sperm cells
d) Merkel cells
Answer. Merkel cells

15. Which of the following vitamin is absolutely essential for collagen synthesis?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamin D
d) Vitamin K
Answer. Vitamin C

16. Which of the following is not included in portal triad?
a) Portal vein
b) Hepatic artery
c) Bile ducts
d) Hepatic nerve
Answer. Hepatic nerve

17. Which cardiac enzyme has led to increased specificity in the detection of Myocardial infarction?
a) Myoglobin
b) Troponin
c) Lactate dehydrogenase
d) Creatinine kinase
Answer. Troponin


18. The amount of air that moves in or out of the lungs with each respiratory cycle is called?
a) Vital capacity
b) Tidal capacity
c) Inspiratory capacity
d) Functional reserve volume
Answer. Tidal capacity

19. Benign tumors that develop in the adrenal medulla are called?
a) Neuroblastoma
b) Pheochromocytomas
c) Sarcoma
d) Carcinoma
Answer. Pheochromocytomas

20. What does a drop in blood pressure greater than 10 mmHg during inspiration indicate?
a) Orthostatic hypotension
b) Pulsus paradoxus
c) Pulse deficit
d) Hypotension
Answer. Pulsus paradoxus

21. The outermost covering layer of bone is called?
a) Pericardium
b) Perimetrium
c) Peritoneum
d) Periosteum
Answer. Periosteum

22. Which of the following condition in males may cause infertility?
a) Wilms’ tumor
b) Coronary artery disease
c) Undescended testes
d) Both A and B
Answer. Undescended testes

23. T wave represents repolarization  Staff nurse questions with answers for upcoming nursing exam 2022of?
a) Purkinje fibres
b) Atrium
c) Ventricles
d) The bundle of His
Answer. Ventricles

24. Anemia occurs in patients with chronic kidney disease due to?
a) Decreased plasma osmolarity
b) Decreased erythropoietin production
c) Decreased renin production
Answer. Decreased erythropoietin production

25. In which phase of mitosis would chromosomes line up at the centre of the spindle?
a) Anaphase
b) Interphase
c) Prophase
d) Metaphase
Answer. Metaphase


26. Which of the following cannot be corrected by dialysis?
a) Hypernatremia
b) Hyperkalemia
c) Decreased hemoglobin
d) Elevated creatinine
Answer. Decreased hemoglobin

27. Fluid and electrolyte balance in the body is maintained by which of the following?
a) Spleen
b) Liver
c) Kidney
d) Brain
Answer. Kidney