
Research Paper on COVID-19 Nursing and Leadership
Thesis: In order to manage stress in healthcare facilities and deliver high-quality care during the COVID-19 pandemic, BSN-trained nurses are expected to demonstrate strong leadership qualities.Synopsis
How can nurses, particularly those with a BSN, show leadership in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic?
1. Introduction
a. Thesis.
– The ability to lead is a highly valued trait in all fields, but it is particularly crucial for nurses who work with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. The primary responsibility of nurses is to provide patients with high-quality treatment; however, this can only be accomplished in healthcare facilities with dependable administration and leadership. The goal of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree is to ensure that nurses graduate with sufficient leadership abilities to carry out their duties (Kane, Cook & Lee, 2015). Research Paper on COVID-19 Nursing and Leadership.
– The leadership and management components of the BSN program support nurses in their work, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted the worldwide healthcare industry and appears to have interfered with the operation of healthcare institutions. Professional development, interprofessional communication, collaboration, conflict management, and advocacy are all goals of the BSN program (Peltzer, APRN-CNS, & Shen, 2017). BSN-trained nurses are needed to demonstrate strong leadership qualities during this COVID-19 epidemic in order to manage staff strain and deliver high-quality treatment.
– During this COVID-19 pandemic, there are a number of ways that BSN-trained nurses can demonstrate excellent leadership qualities. These include:


2. Ways to demonstrate leadership
a. Conflict Management
1) Nurses with a BSN can demonstrate their leadership abilities by skillfully handling disagreement.
2) BSN nurses have the ability to organize training sessions for other nurses in conflict management.
– The COVID-19 epidemic has been a worldwide emergency that has severely strained and constrained the healthcare industry. Because of the excessive workload at the facilities, the nurses have been working too much. As the number of corona virus cases rises and gets worse every day, nurses are frequently worn out, angry, and anxious. Conflicts in the healthcare industry rise in tandem with the number of corona virus infections. Nurses are required to provide patients with high-quality healthcare services despite all of the difficulties and conflicts (Fallon et al., 2020). Research Paper on COVID-19 Nursing and Leadership.
– For the patient to be happy with the services they receive, they must, nevertheless, resolve or manage the conflicts in the industry. Nurses in the BSN program receive conflict management training, which has enabled them to resolve problems that have arisen throughout the pandemic. Nurses with a BSN can demonstrate their leadership abilities by successfully resolving disputes. It raises the standard of care provided and encourages both the personnel and the patients to feel comfortable in their company (Bright, 2019). It is expected of BSN nurses to handle conflicts diplomatically because it is sensitive to their workplace.
– Operations are impacted by conflicts, after all. In the midst of this epidemic, BSN-trained nurses are expected to assess other nurses’ coping mechanisms and dispute resolution skills (Newell, 2020). To help other nurses manage various conflicts in an efficient manner without compromising service delivery, BSN nurses can also organize training courses on conflict resolution. BSN nurses can demonstrate their leadership abilities and what they can do to stabilize the healthcare industry through conflict management. Research Paper on COVID-19 Nursing and Leadership.
b) Effective Communication
1) Since it facilitates the easy exchange of information, effective communication creates positive working relationships between many stakeholders in the health care industry.
2) Providing advice when other nurses have problems that require care.
– One effective way BSN-trained nurses can demonstrate their leadership abilities is through effective communication. healthy communication facilitates a smooth flow of information between many players in the health care sector, which in turn fosters healthy working relationships. The high number of corona virus cases makes it difficult for the nurses to strike a balance in communicating with patients’ families. By enhancing their interactions with the patients’ families, the nurses can demonstrate their leadership qualities. They should explain to the family what is going on and what the anticipated outcomes are. The nurses are able to relieve family stress and concern regarding the whereabouts of their loved ones through this kind of contact (Pouralizadeh et al., 2020). Research Paper on COVID-19 Nursing and Leadership.
– Giving patients progress updates is an important part of effective communication for nurses, as it can help to overcome internal tensions. In order to ensure the provision of high-quality care, healthcare professionals need also keep good lines of communication with one another. Colleague communication that is effective lowers working errors by a significant amount. They can collaborate with others since they have the skills necessary to build good communication. When other nurses have problems that need to be addressed, they can demonstrate their leadership abilities by providing advice. As a result, BSN nurses must create efficient communication plans to connect with patients and other nurses (Wu, Connors & Everly Jr, 2020).
– For the sake of their own safety as well as the safety of their patients, BSN nurses must mentor other nurses in handling COVID-19, a novel difficulty in the medical community. BSN nurses working in healthcare facilities must be knowledgeable about COVID-19 standards and able to explain to other relevant parties why changes to current practices are necessary (Mani et al., 2020). The goal of the BSN program is for the nurse to graduate from the school with the ability to accurately express concerns. Research Paper on COVID-19 Nursing and Leadership.
c) Critical Thinking
1) To find answers to the new problems and mentor other nurses in putting the answers into practice, BSN nurses must use critical thought.
2) By carefully examining the patient’s condition, the BSN nurses can demonstrate their leadership abilities.
– The COVID-19 epidemic has presented a number of problems that can only be overcome by using critical thinking. As leaders, BSN nurses must exercise critical thinking to find answers to the emerging problems and mentor other nurses in putting those answers into practice in order to preserve a stable healthcare industry (Mahmoud & Mohamed, 2017). When it comes to making important judgments to enhance their performance during the nursing intervention procedure, BSN nurses must exercise creativity. Research Paper on COVID-19 Nursing and Leadership. The BSN nurses can utilize their critical thinking abilities and expertise to adapt solutions that suit different patients because the virus affects patients differently. The pandemic has generated many obstacles, and the means to resolve them was not covered in class (Dos Santos, 2020). By carefully examining the patient’s health, giving the appropriate drugs, and guiding other nurses in the management of potential COVID-19 issues, BSN nurses can demonstrate their leadership abilities.
3. Conclusion
– Despite the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, BSN nurses work in around 50% of healthcare facilities, ensuring excellent clinical outcomes. While demonstrating their leadership skills, the nurses must take every safety care when caring for COVID-19 patients. The way nurses engage and communicate with patients and their families has been impacted by the corona virus. Notwithstanding the difficulties at hand, high-level leadership is still necessary for nurses to demonstrate because it inspires optimism in patients and other stakeholders. Research Paper on COVID-19 Nursing and Leadership.


– Bright, A. L. (2019). Practicing Leadership Skills through Peer Mentoring and Teaching: the Lived Experience of BSN Students. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 1(open-issue).
– Dos Santos, L. M. (2020). How Does COVID-19 Pandemic Influence the Sense of Belonging and Decision-Making Process of Nursing Students: The Study of Nursing Students’ Experiences. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(15), 5603.
– Fallon, A., Dukelow, T., Kennelly, S. P., & O’Neill, D. (2020). COVID-19 in nursing homes. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 113(6), 391-392.
– Kane, I., Cook, J., & Lee, H. (2015). Mentoring RNs pursuing BSN degrees: A leadership journey. Nursing2019, 45(7), 18-21.
– Mahmoud, A. S., & Mohamed, H. A. (2017). Critical Thinking Disposition among Nurses Working in Puplic Hospitals at Port-Said Governorate. International journal of nursing sciences, 4(2), 128-134.
– Mani, N. S., Budak, J. Z., Lan, K. F., Bryson-Cahn, C., Zelikoff, A., Barker, G. E., … & Dostal, C. L. (2020). Prevalence of COVID-19
– Newell, E. G. (2020). A student nurse in the MICU: Leveraging unexpected leadership on the frontlines of COVID-19. Nursing Outlook, 68(4), 388-390.
– Peltzer, J. N., APRN-CNS, C. T., & Shen, Q. (2017). Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Descriptive Study of Kansas Nurses and Pre-Licensure and RN-BSN Programs. KANSASNURSE, 11.
– Pouralizadeh, M., Bostani, Z., Maroufizadeh, S., Ghanbari, A., Khoshbakht, M., Alavi, S. A., & Ashrafi, S. (2020). Anxiety and depression and the related factors in nurses of Guilan University of Medical Sciences hospitals during COVID-19: A web-based cross-sectional study. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 13, 100233.
– Wu, A. W., Connors, C., & Everly Jr, G. S. (2020). COVID-19: peer support and crisis communication strategies to promote institutional resilience.