
Requirements for Nursing Research Designs Research Papers
• It is necessary to cite two or more scholarly sources in support.
• There can be no more than two direct quotes.
• Without counting the title page and references page, this assignment should be between three and four pages long.

Guidelines for Research Papers
1) Write a paragraph opening for the introductory section that summarizes the following using primarily your own words and your knowledge of the subject:
• Nursing research is necessary.
• How crucial it is that nurses comprehend the fundamentals of research.
• The aim of your essay
A crucial part of nursing is the process of delivering evidence that supports nursing practices, which is known as nursing research. Nursing research improves the body of information that can be accumulated, which in turn improves the promotion of evidence-based practice in nursing. Evidence-based practice in nursing was defined by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2011) as a method of problem-solving that makes use of the best available data from well-planned nursing studies.
Nursing research thereby promotes the development of nursing care delivery, enhancing the patient care outcome and the capacity to accommodate a patient’s demand and preferences when getting care. It is crucial for nurses to comprehend the fundamentals of research methodology since doing so will enable them to conduct accurate and dependable analyses, which suggests that the findings may contribute to and expand the corpus of nursing knowledge. The paper’s goal is to investigate various nursing study designs, such as quantitative and qualitative research designs, as well as sampling strategies applied to nursing research. Requirements for Nursing Research Designs Research Papers.


2) Write a paragraph summarizing the quantitative research portion that incorporates what you learned and primarily uses your own words.
a) Why quantitative research is important
b) Describe a particular kind of quantitative design and highlight a key component.
c) How nursing practice can be enhanced by quantitative research
According to Burns and Grove (2010), quantitative research is a formal, methodical approach to study that entails gathering and analyzing numerical data that is crucial for examining a particular occurrence. The quantitative study builds critical insights appropriate for guiding safe practice and uses mathematical models to address the research subject.
Consequently, the application of quantitative analysis in nursing is crucial, particularly the capacity to test for a conditional assertion, which is crucial for expanding the corpus of knowledge and improving the delivery of evidence-based practice. Quantitative research typically enhances the ability to conduct experiments that inform nursing care best practices. Requirements for Nursing Research Designs Research Papers.
One of the quantitative research types utilized in nursing research is the experimental research design. An experimental research design mostly involves the process of creating a study that looks at causal validity.
Casual validity, which is also known as internal validity, is the approximate truth about cause and effect. Additionally, a pretest and posttest trial comparing outcomes before and after introducing a control is possible thanks to the experimental study design. The posttest includes opinions following an experiment, whereas the pretest consists of observations made prior to doing an experiment.
For example, while testing a new pharmaceutical, one group of patients is treated with the drug of choice, while a second group is treated with a different medication, and the difference in response between the two patient groups is observed.
Quantitative research is particularly important in nursing because it informs evidence-based practice. It also helps to improve overall service delivery in a healthcare facility and enhances patient outcomes while contributing to the nursing body of knowledge.

3) Write a paragraph summarizing the qualitative research portion that incorporates what you learned and primarily uses your own words.
a) Why qualitative research matters.
b) Describe a significant characteristic of one kind of qualitative design.
b) The ways in which qualitative research might advance nursing practice.
Qualitative research is another significant research technique in nursing practice that emphasizes the exploration of human behavior among other aspects. Gaining a comprehensive grasp of a particular situation is the main goal of qualitative research in the nursing profession. Giving descriptions and anecdotes about a topic under study is part of qualitative research.
Research designs in nursing facilitate the analysis of patients’ and nurses’ prior experiences, which improves understanding of certain characteristics and expands the body of knowledge (Fain, 2017). Qualitative research frequently integrates patient experiences, which are crucial for improving patient outcomes through the use of evidence in treating conditions that are comparable to one another and improving patient outcomes. One of the most popular qualitative research designs in nursing is the ethnographic research method, which focuses on comprehending the culture, customs, distinctions between patients, and behaviors that a patient may present.
Furthermore, knowing a patient’s culture among other characteristics provides guidance on how nurses should treat a particular patient, improving the clinical outcome and general patient satisfaction. This is why qualitative research is crucial to nursing care. Additionally, the study advances the capacity to add to the body of knowledge in nursing, assisting in the achievement of the goals of providing evidence-based nursing practice. Requirements for Nursing Research Designs Research Papers.

4) Write a paragraph that summarizes the research sampling portion using what you’ve learned and primarily your own words:
a) Describe sampling and explain its significance.
b) A sample technique applied to quantitative research.
c) An additional sampling technique you acquired.
Sampling is a statistical analytic strategy that involves choosing a subset of a larger population to study (Moule, Aveyard, & Goodman, 2016). Researchers frequently employ a sample to represent the complete population, particularly in studies that take little time and cover a large community that cannot be covered in the allotted period.
Since it is almost difficult to include the complete population under examination in a study while collecting data, sampling is vital. It improves the process of choosing a representative sample that will be utilized to gather data and reflect the full community. Requirements for Nursing Research Designs Research Papers.
One of the most frequent sampling techniques in quantitative research is a basic random sample procedure. Notably, every person of a population has an equal chance of being chosen to take part in the research project according to the probabilistic technique of simple random sampling (Moule, Aveyard & Goodman, 2016).
By giving every member of a population an equal chance to engage in research, simple random sampling reduces biases. Another sampling methodology that involves the non-probability procedure that works well for conducting qualitative research that intend to examine different cultural domains, among other factors from a population, is called purposeful sampling technique.


5) Write a paragraph summarizing your learning for the credible nursing practice portion, primarily using your own words.
a) How nursing practice can be made safer through research.
b) The significance of research in developing evidence-based nursing practice.
Investigating is essential to improving the safety of nursing practice. Notably, nursing research supports the expansion of nurses’ experience and their capacity to add to the corpus of knowledge. Because nursing research improves the capacity to gather evidence leading to better nursing care, increase standards, as well as the application of evidence to improve patient care, nurses might be in a position to propose problems, theories, and studies.
Additionally, varied research—such as investigations on clinical practices combining various designed studies—plays a key part in developing an evidence-based nursing practice. Additionally, an important area that contributes to evidence-based nursing practice and improves outcomes when resolving patient and clinically related problems is the analysis of problem-solving techniques. The assessment of patient preferences and values, which is crucial to improving the delivery of patient-centered care—a crucial component of evidence-based nursing care—is another field of nursing research that contributes to the development of an evidence-based nursing practice. Requirements for Nursing Research Designs Research Papers.

6) Write a succinct, precise, and comprehensive synopsis of the paper’s major points for the conclusion section.
Recently, there has been a surge in nursing research with the goal of providing evidence-based nursing care. Notably, research in nursing improves our capacity to add to the body of knowledge, which in turn helps to advance the use of evidence-based practice in nursing. However, there are two main research designs used in this study: a qualitative research approach and a quantitative research design.
While qualitative research involves obtaining information involving story and description crucial to informing an in-depth insight about a topic under inquiry, quantitative research involves numerical analysis utilizing a mathematical model. Another essential component of nursing research is sampling, which is the act of selecting a sample to examine from the overall population. All things considered, nursing research expands the corpus of knowledge and strengthens the capacity to develop evidence-based nursing practice.

Reference List

Burns, N., & Grove, S. K. (2010). Understanding nursing research-eBook: Building an evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Fain, J. A. (2017). Reading, understanding, and applying nursing research. FA Davis.
Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (Eds.). (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Moule, P., Aveyard, H., & Goodman, M. (2016). Nursing research: An introduction. Sage.