
NCM 120: Transcultural nursing and decent work employment


Final Term Examination

INSTRUCTION: Write a 300 – word essay on the questions below. The answer should be supported with published articles and written as references. Further, the essay must follow the APA 7th edition format.

Several countries encountered conflict with other countries e.i. Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine. Is decent work employment achievable post-conflict? Explain your answer. NCM 120: Transcultural nursing and decent work employment.

Definitely yes. For me, in a post-conflict situation, decent work employment is achievable if the affected country’s government develops a strategic plan for prioritizing recovery and peacebuilding efforts to stabilize the country. In post-conflict situations, a decent work strategy is critical for improving both the working and living conditions of the populations affected by the conflict, thereby boosting the country’s recovery process and integrating peace and social unity, with the goal of reducing grievances and feelings of injustice. NCM 120: Transcultural nursing and decent work employment.

To achieve this, firstly, governments of affected countries should perform post-conflict evaluations to collect information or statistics on the impact of the conflict on the population’s livelihoods, employment, and social protection. This is crucial for initiatives aimed at promoting peace by addressing the underlying causes of vulnerability and a lack of decent work. Secondly, any employment or decent work efforts or interventions must be conceived and conducted in a conflict-sensitive manner to avoid causing harm in already volatile environments. Because employees and the general population are more susceptible than normal, underlying concerns about labor and human rights must be considered while developing and implementing interventions or initiatives. Decent labor must be included in program planning and design. Programs should not just focus on the number of jobs produced, but also on the quality of those jobs. NCM 120: Transcultural nursing and decent work employment.


Rebuilding community-based and learning-friendly training facilities, as well as reequipping teachers and introducing innovative and appropriate training programs for skill development in response to recovery requirements and job openings, are all priorities. Furthermore, in post-conflict scenarios, encouraging self-employment and entrepreneurship development initiatives that are accessible to people with disabilities should also be a top priority in order to create adequate job options for the handicapped individuals who have been harmed by the conflict. Workers’ rights to a safe and healthy working environment should also be promoted. NCM 120: Transcultural nursing and decent work employment.

International Labour Organization. (2021). How employment and decent work contribute to peace and resilience. Geneva, Switzerland. Retrieved Febraury 27, 2022, from ed_emp/documents/instructionalmaterial/wcms_141275.pdf