
Managing Conflict Papers for Organizations


Investigate a company that was involved in a significant dispute that made headlines recently. The organization and the conflict’s origin must be determined.


  1. List and explain the approach(es) an organization has employed to address conflict, as well as the five typical strategies people employ to resolve disputes.
  2. Outline the conflict’s advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Give an example of another way this company could have resolved the disagreement and talk about the results of doing so.
  4. Provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the dispute resolution strategies you looked at.

Paper requirements:

  • The length of your paper, excluding the required title and reference pages, should be four to five pages. Your paper should also have an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Include two academic references that are not part of the module’s prescribed readings. Managing Conflict Papers for Organizations.


  1. Conflicting connections, resources, and beliefs among employees can lead to disagreements in the workplace, which is known as organizational conflict (Ramsbotham & Woodhouse, 2011). Conflict in the workplace is a good thing because it fosters the creative idea sharing that makes a company successful.
  2. On the other hand, counterproductive conflict is bad for the performance of the organization since it causes stress at work, low productivity, high staff turnover, and employee discontent (Jordan & Troth, 2004).

 Conflict at Samsung India

Among other things, Samsung is a top producer and supplier of electronics, including TVs, tablets, and smartphones. A walkout over pricing discrimination was threatened by Samsung’s Indian distributors. 48 phone models were available at a lower cost during the Samsung online sale than in physical locations.

1)The distributors believed that this decision was hurting sales of mobile sets in physical locations and that they were losing money as a result. The number of online retailers in India increased as a result of this action, but the distributors believed they had been turned down for business. Managing Conflict Papers for Organizations.

2)As a result, they threatened to boycott Samsung’s devices if the company did not act to protect their interests. Given the popularity of internet purchasing, the distributors believed that the change will have an impact on Samsung product sales in the future.


Typical Methods People employ to handle conflict

Not all conflicts are made equal. Some are more challenging to fix than others. It is crucial that you as an individual think about how your strategy could affect how the conflict turns out (Jordan & Troth, 2004). Managing Papers on Organizational Conflict. It is essential to choose the course of action that best fits the circumstances. Conventional methods for handling conflict include the following:

1) Competing

– When it comes to conflict resolution, a comprehensive approach means utterly ignoring the opposing party’s concerns and position (Ramsbotham & Woodhouse, 2011). In this instance, people use all of their might to prevail in court. Managing Papers on Organizational Conflict. Managing Conflict Papers for Organizations.

– Another name for it is a power-oriented method of resolving disputes. This method assesses a person’s capacity to defend a position that you think is right. This strategy’s ultimate objective is to prevail by upholding your legal rights (Jordan & Troth, 2004). Individuals that adopt this strategy don’t give a damn about how other people will feel about the choice or how they will handle it.

2) Accommodating

– When using an accommodating method to resolve a dispute, one side must be prepared to give everything up or renounce their stance in order to maintain their relationship with the opposing party (Ramsbotham & Woodhouse, 2011). It is the exact opposite of the rival strategy.

– In this instance, one of the parties sets aside their worries in order to appease the other. This strategy may manifest as a lack of self-awareness and assertiveness. Managing Conflict Papers for Organizations. Even if the other person’s instructions conflict with your viewpoint, you are still required to follow them (Jordan & Troth, 2004).

3) Avoiding

– When someone avoids, they refrain from making decisions at any cost (Ramsbotham & Woodhouse, 2011). In this instance, you give up on their perspective or issue in addition to your own. Put differently, you choose to put off the problem until later. Avoiding can also mean ignoring or removing yourself from a situation that you feel puts your safety in danger. iv)

4) Collaborating

– Win-win strategy is another name for the collaborative approach to conflict resolution (Ramsbotham, & Woodhouse, 2011). Here, all sides work to address their issues. Managing Papers on Organizational Conflict. The strategy of collaboration is the exact opposite of avoidance. In this instance, the parties cooperate to identify a solution that would address each of their issues or areas of interest. Managing Conflict Papers for Organizations.

– The disputing parties determine the fundamental problems that give rise to their complaints during the partnership. They also point out things that can cause conflict. They are able to gain knowledge from one other’s perspectives and come up with a unique solution that works for them both.

5) Compromising

– In order to create a solution that is acceptable to all parties, a compromising approach to conflict resolution involves winning and losing some of your concerns (Ramsbotham, & Woodhouse, 2011). To save your relationship for a better time down the road, you can compromise by making a concession or finding a middle ground.


Samsung’s Methods for Handling Disagreements

Samsung employed a dispute resolution strategy that was both accommodating and compromise in order to resolve the issue. Samsung stopped offering the 48 phone models at their online stores at a discounted price. The goal of this strategy was to assist the company in maintaining its relationship with the Indian distributors. Nonetheless, the distributors had to pay the normal price set by the corporation. Managing Conflict Papers for Organizations.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Conflict

Depending on how it is handled, organizational conflict has an impact on the organization. Organizational conflict management strategies can have both useful and destructive effects. Managing Papers on Organizational Conflict.


  1. Modification

Organizations will always undergo change, and conflict hastens this process. Organizational processes and procedures are modified as a result of conflict (Ramsbotham, & Woodhouse, 2011). In other cases, it may result in a complete reorganization of the leadership team. Managing Organizational Conflict Documents.

  1. Originality

Healthy rivalry among staff members can emerge from constructive disagreement (Behfar, Peterson, Mannix, & Trochim, 2008). A culture of innovation is fostered by healthy competition and is critical to the success of the organization. Managing Papers on Organizational Conflict.

Adverse Repercussions

a) Partial Optimization

– Severe disagreements may lead to sub-optimization, in which disputing parties choose to follow their own agendas (Jordan & Troth, 2004). Because suboptimization results in personnel who are not as motivated, the organization is unable to meet its anticipated goals and objectives. Managing Papers on Organizational Conflict.

b) Wastage of Time and Resources by the Organization

– According to Behfar, Peterson, Mannix, and Trochim (2008), the organization may lose resources intended for output if disagreements persist. In addition, the company wastes valuable time that could be spent on constructive dispute resolution efforts. Managing Papers on Organizational Conflict. Managing Conflict Papers for Organizations.

An Alternative Method

It would have been better for Samsung to reach out to well-known e-commerce companies like, Flipkart, and Snapdeal, among others, to offer their products without having to give the 48 phone models at a reduced price. In this instance, a conflict could not have developed. Samsung might have been able to increase sales both offline and online with this strategy. Managing Papers on Organizational Conflict.

 Strengths and Weaknesses of Conflict Resolution Approaches

a) Approaches to conflict resolution include advantages and disadvantages. According to Behfar, Peterson, Mannix, and Trochim (2008), a compromise approach to dispute resolution can aid in maintaining the relationships of the people involved. Both sides might, however, give up some of their radical stances, which would leave them dissatisfied with the outcome.

b) A collaborative approach is useful for combining the perspectives of those engaged in a dispute. Managing Papers on Organizational Conflict. Their joy is partly attributed to their shared strong dedication to the solution. However, implementing a collaborative approach is challenging. It takes time since you have to be mindful of each party’s worries and emotional state.

c) Avoiding confrontations can help you keep your relationship with your coworkers intact in the future (Behfar, Peterson, Mannix, & Trochim, 2008). But if you put off the disagreement to a later time, it doesn’t solve the issue. It is a strategy of delay that produces no real resolution. A manager might employ an accommodating attitude to assist their subordinates learn from their mistakes and to maintain connections. Managing Conflict Papers for Organizations.

d) A person who is overly accommodating, meanwhile, can come seem as weak if they give up on all of their worries. When there is no chance of future consensus and the goals call for swift action, the competing strategy can be helpful. However, because they feel ignored, the other side could be reluctant to raise important issues.



Conflict within an organization is unavoidable. The management approach used can determine whether the consequences are dysfunctional or functional. Managers and individuals should always think about the best conflict resolution strategies for the given circumstance.



Behfar, K. J., Peterson, R. S., Mannix, E. A., & Trochim, W. M. (2008). The critical role of conflict resolution in teams: a close look at the links between conflict type, conflict management strategies, and team outcomes. Journal of applied psychology93(1), 170.

Jordan, P. J., & Troth, A. C. (2004). Managing emotions during team problem solving: Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution. Human performance17(2), 195-218.

Ramsbotham, O., Miall, H., & Woodhouse, T. (2011). Contemporary conflict resolution. Polity.