
List of nursing research questions examples

Once you’ve chosen your area of interest, you are ready to formulate your thesis and write a research proposal. Below is a list of research questions examples for you to choose from.


Pediatric Nursing Research Topics

  • Evaluation of pragmatic language patterns in autistic children
  • Taking care of children with congenital heart disease: psychological issues
  • Childhood cancer treatment optimization: new ways
  • Children with cancer and their families: psychological issues
  • Cancer: health service delivery efficiency
  • Childhood obesity: a population health issue
  • Radiation therapy: the response of the hematopoietic system in oncology patients
  • Leukemia cells and the immune system: mechanisms of interaction
  • Childhood acute leukemia: the use of molecular markers in diagnosis
  • Blindness in children receiving oxygen therapy: risk-reducing strategies
  • Early life exposures that promote heart disease later in life
  • Role of early-life exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in childhood obesity
  • Obesity in children and adolescents: prevention strategies
  • Childhood obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors: epidemiologic research
  • Childhood obesity: identification, screening, prevention, and management
  • Stem cells and their usage in the treatment of pediatric diseases
  • Early-life exposure to air pollution: health effects
  • Prenatal exposure to nicotine: health effects
  • Effects of early life stress on metabolic and cognitive development of children
  • Asthma in children: diagnosis and management
  • Asthma in children: monitoring techniques List of nursing research questions examples
  • Opportunistic fungal infections: pathogenesis and treatment
  • HHV6: pathogenesis, immunology, and treatment
  • Meningitis in children: prevention and vaccination
  • Vaccination against influenza in children: reactions and complications
  • Common measles complications in children
  • Surfactant replacement therapy for premature infants: beneficial effects
  • Animal models for respiratory diseases: the investigation of pathogenesis
  • Cells and molecules in lung health and disease: understanding the function
  • Neurotrophin and neurotransmitter receptors: a molecular study
  • New therapeutic approaches to developmental diseases of the nervous system
  • Movement disorders in children: understanding and treatment
  • Tourette syndrome in children: causes and treatment
  • Neuroblastoma in children: understanding racial differences
  • Understanding Metabolic Syndrome: symptoms and causes
  • Anorexia and related changes in brain function and behavior
  • Eating disorders in children: effects on growth and health
  • Infant nutrition: prevention of obesity and eating disorders
  • ADHD medication for children: long-term effects
  • ADHD in children: efficacy of dance and music therapy
  • Efficacy of mind-body therapy List of nursing research questions examples in children with ADHD
  • Autism in children: benefits of meditation techniques
  • Ear infections in children: diagnosis and treatment
  • Acute renal insufficiency: nursing care and treatment
  • Childhood nephrotic syndrome: nursing care and management
  • Kidney stones in children: preventive strategies
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: development and symptoms
  • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: management strategies
  • Type 1 diabetes in children: genetic factors
  • Children with type 1 diabetes from ethnic minorities: risk factors


Geriatric Nursing Research Topics

  • Age-Related Changes in Health: cardiovascular system
  • Age-Related Changes in Nervous System and Cognition abilities in older adults
  • Physiologic changes in the musculoskeletal system in older adults
  • The effects of aging on the immune system
  • Vaccination for older adults: benefits and challenges
  • Urinary tract infections in older adults: risk factors and diagnosis
  • Malnutrition in older adults: consequences and effects on organ systems
  • Gastrointestinal tract disorders in older age: nursing care strategies
  • Nursing: long-term care facilities
  • Sensory system changes and impairments in older adults: nursing care strategies
  • Assessment of physical function in older adults: effects of regular physical activity
  • Oral health conditions in older adults: effects and treatment
  • Ways of improving oral care for older people
  • Oral hydration in older adults: ways of maintaining
  • Dehydration in older adults: prevention, recognition, and treatment
  • Diet as a risk factor for dementia
  • Personalized diets for older adults and their role in healthy aging
  • The role of diet in reducing the risk of osteoporosis
  • Family caregiving of older cancer patients: psychological issues
  • Taking care for seniors with chronic illness: psychological issues
  • Risk factors for functional decline in older patients: ways of optimization
  • Physical environment as a risk factor for functional decline in older patients
  • Later-life depression: cause and risk factors
  • Ophthalmic care for older patients: nursing strategies
  • Medication adherence in patients with dementia: development and implementation of interventions
  • Use of machine learning in predicting dementia in older adults: effectiveness and accuracy assessment
  • Alzheimer’s disease: biological mechanisms and preventive measures
  • Cognitive therapy for older patients with Alzheimer’s disease: effectiveness and strategies
  • Delirium in elderly patients: prevention strategies
  • Massage Therapy vs. Simple Touch to Improve Pain and Mood in Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Randomized Trial
  • Improving pain management in older patients: care strategies
  • Falls and List of nursing research questions examples injury risk in older adults: prevention and management
  • Adverse drug effects in elderly patients: interventions and care strategies
  • Use of physical restraints: ethics of the issue
  • Ethnicity as a risk factor for pressure ulcer development
  • Excessive sleepiness as a risk factor of cognitive decline in elderly patients
  • Alcohol use disorders in elderly patients: care strategies
  • Substance use disorders in older adults: treatment and care options
  • Management of sepsis in critically ill elderly patients
  • Complications in critically ill patients due to prolonged hospital stay
  • Heart failure in older adults: current therapeutic options
  • Care of elderly surgical patients: ways of optimization
  • The concept of geriatric dehydration
  • Perioperative care of older adults: nursing strategies
  • Medical emergencies associated with cancer treatment of elderly patients
  • Cancer surgery in elderly patients: risk assessment
  • Pancreatic cancer surgery in older adults: balancing risks and benefits
  • Bladder cancer in older adults: risk factors and challenges
  • Older patients with fragility hip fracture: care strategies
  • Handling pressure ulcers in hip fracture patients
  • Care of the older patients in the ED: nursing intervention
  • Transitional care for elderly patients with chronic disease: care strategies
  • Advanced care planning: nurse’s roles and strategies


Midwifery Nursing Research Topics

  • Women with a disability: pregnancy and childbirth
  • The effect of midwifery care in pregnancy, labor, birth, and the postnatal period
  • Maternal and infant outcomes of caseload care
  • Caseload midwifery care in ethnic minorities List of nursing research questions examples
  • Ways of improving health outcomes for women and babies from ethnic minorities
  • Depression and anxiety in new mothers: effects on the health of mothers and infants
  • Postnatal depression: risk factors
  • Complication of pregnancy: Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)
  • Effectiveness of peer support in preventing postnatal depression
  • Telephone support as a means of reducing postnatal depression: a cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Diabetes in pregnancy: risk factors and management
  • Hypoglycemia in newborns: preventive measures
  • Women’s experience of motherhood: attachment and mother-infant bonding
  • Stress in midwives and nurses: causes and prevalence
  • Group antenatal care: feasibility and acceptability
  • The positive impact of early parenting education
  • Midwifery continuity of care and its effectiveness.
  • The role of community support in maintaining emotional health during pregnancy
  • Birth plan and its effects on the birth experience
  • Effects of prenatal yoga on women and infants
  • Prolonged labor and its effect on birth experience in women
  • Childbirth experience for autistic women
  • Pain management in labor: relaxation techniques and therapies
  • Cesarean section: risks and long-term effects
  • Fear of childbirth: symptoms and treatments
  • Parental experiences with premature and low birth weight infants
  • Sleep disorders in new mothers: effects on mothers and infants
  • Perinatal palliative care: the role of midwives in providing care and support to families
  • Childbirth expectations and experience: effect on new mother’s mental health
  • Advanced maternal age: risk factors
  • Adverse pregnancy outcomes: causes and risk factors
  • Periodontitis: effect on preterm birth and low birth weight in babies
  • Spirituality in midwifery: effects on labor and delivery
  • Obesity and pregnancy: labor intervention and outcomes
  • Teamwork in midwifery: key concepts
  • Power dynamics in midwifery care: initiating, building, and maintaining relationships
  • Domestic violence against women: raising awareness among midwives
  • Midwifery care for women of low socioeconomic status: benefits of understanding social context
  • Psychological traumatic childbirth: contributing factors
  • The role of midwives in the monitoring process of emergency care
  • Fetal monitoring, screening, and other tests during pregnancy
  • Weight management and physical activity during pregnancy
  • Handling physical and emotional changes during pregnancy
  • Facilitating and maintaining normal childbirth: strategies and practices
  • Decision-making during birth: the role of midwives
  • Midwifery care during the immediate postnatal period
  • Engaging fathers in perinatal services: ways and strategies
  • Skincare and List of nursing research questions examples hygiene for newborns and infants
  • Immediate care of the newborns
  • Infant feeding: methods and techniques
  • Common feeding problems: identification and management


Mental Health Research Topics in Nursing

  1. The connection between air pollution and Alzheimer’s disease
  2. Vitamin D Deficiency and long-term cognitive impairment among older patients
  3. Effects of meditation on patients with cognitive impairment
  4. The connection between social phobia and selective mutism
  5. Post-traumatic stress disorder: new prevention techniques
  6. Social media: effects on mental health among teenagers
  7. Stimulant treatments of ADHD
  8. Bipolar disorder: early detection and risk factors
  9. Bipolar disorder in families: genetic factors
  10. Effectiveness of deep brain stimulation in patients with depression
  11. Reconstruction of the sense of self in schizophrenia patients
  12. Understanding personal experience and phenomenology in patients with schizophrenia
  13. The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic attack treatment
  14. The connection between panic disorder and maladaptive behavior
  15. The connection between brain inflammation and OCD
  16. White matter abnormalities in patients with OCD
  17. The combined effects of TMS and therapy on patients with depression
  18. Changes in task performance under stress in patients with anxiety disorders
  19. Biological processes of generalized anxiety
  20. Depression in perimenopausal women
  21. Schizophrenia: genetic factors
  22. Schizophrenia: environmental factors
  23. Ways of diagnosing autism spectrum disorder in adults
  24. Ways of detecting early-stage dementia
  25. The connection between dopamine levels and autism spectrum disorders
  26. The connection between serotonin levels and autism spectrum disorders
  27. The connection between screen time and inattention problems in children with ADHD
  28. ADHD: prevention strategies List of nursing research questions examples
  29. The efficacy of mindfulness techniques in patients with social phobia
  30. The efficacy of paroxetine in treating patients with anxiety
  31. Etiology of anorexia nervosa
  32. The role of socio-cultural factors in the development of eating disorders
  33. Treatment of agoraphobia: new ways
  34. Phobias and the ways to deal with them
  35. Seasonal affective disorder: summer and winter patterns
  36. Brain differences in patients with insomnia
  37. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: brain mechanisms and risk factors
  38. The physical response to a traumatic experience in patients with PTS Borderline personality disorder: brain factors
  39. Effects of music therapy for adolescents with autism
  40. The connection between traumatic events during childhood and the development of borderline personality disorder
  41. Dialectical behavior therapy in the treatment of patients with a borderline personality disorder
  42. Ways of diagnosing of psychogenic movement disorders
  43. Conduct disorder in children: ways of increasing awareness
  44. Adverse childhood experiences: the long-term effects
  45. Body dysmorphic disorder: diagnosis and treatment
  46. The mechanisms of body dysmorphic disorder: the use of brain imaging studies
  47. Adjustment disorder: diagnosis and treatment
  48. Schizotypal personality disorder: neurobiology and symptoms
  49. The efficacy of exposure therapy in the treatment of PTSD
  50. Codependency:List of nursing research questions examples ways of raising awareness
  51. Mood disorders in children: treatment options


Health Promotion Research Topics in Nursing

  1. Preventative medicine practices for seniors
  2. New ways of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in older age
  3. Communication and sharing of preventative medicine techniques: new ways
  4. Community-based exercise programs for older adults
  5. Late-life depression management programs for the elderly
  6. Planning meaningful activities with older adults as a means of reducing depressive symptoms
  7. Smoking cessation: the study of obstacles
  8. Ideas for quitting smoking: new techniques
  9. Youth inactivity: ways of raising awareness
  10. Health promotion strategies for obesity
  11. Motivation to change inactive behavior in young people
  12. Involvement of children in various physical activities: promotion strategies
  13. New ways of educating young people about the importance of having a positive body image
  14. The relationship between a healthy lifestyle promotion and social media: new educational strategies
  15. Improving diabetes lifestyle
  16. New ways of increasing cancer screening rates
  17. New strategies in fostering cancer-preventive behaviors
  18. Workplace wellness programs as ways of supporting healthy behavior
  19. Occupational health and safety programs for people working in dangerous conditions
  20. Maintenance of healthy work environments: new ways
  21. Workplace programs for raising awareness of AIDS List of nursing research questions examples
  22. Workplace programs for raising awareness of heart disease
  23. Workplace health promotion among low-paid workers: new strategies
  24. New ways of increasing workers’ participation in shaping the working environment
  25. Non-occupational factors in the general environment: ways of raising awareness
  26. Award-system as means of promotion of participation in workplace initiatives
  27. New ways of reducing exposure to cancer risk factors
  28. The effects of second-hand smoking: ways of raising awareness
  29. Healthy eating habits as a means of preventing the development of diet-associated cancers
  30. The connection between obesity and cancer: ways of raising awareness
  31. Alcohol as a risk factor for cancer: ways of raising awareness
  32. The importance of vaccines for the hepatitis B virus in cancer prevention
  33. Cancer-causing air pollution: ways of raising awareness
  34. The connection between air pollution and lung cancer
  35. UV radiation and skin cancer: ways of raising awareness
  36. Physical inactivity as a major cause of death in developed countries
  37. Physical activity promotion among people of low socioeconomic background: challenges and opportunities
  38. Physical activity promotion among people with disabilities: challenges and opportunities
  39. Eating habits and behaviors in children: ways of influencing
  40. The efficacy of school-based sex education programs
  41. Cyberbullying: ways of raising awareness and prevention
  42. Workplace policies: depression management promotion
  43. The efficacy of school health promotion
  44. The role of school-based interventions in preventing childhood mental health problems
  45. Brain health programs: creating new strategies on a small budget
  46. Brain exercise: understanding key principles
  47. Communication of useful health information to lay community: new ways
  48. Managing the global epidemic: ways of raising health awareness
  49. Disease outbreaks: the role of health promotion
  50. HIV prevention: new ways of health promotion
  51. Ways of raising awareness on the routes of transmitting infectious diseases
  52. Healthy childhood List of nursing research questions examples development: health education for children


Other Nursing Research Topics

  1. Concept comparison and analysis across nursing theories
  2. New technologies in nursing
  3. Undergraduate nursing program and resnick’s theory
  4. Contemporary nursing knowledge components
  5. Continuing nursing education: a 3-5 year plan
  6. Evidence-based practice & applied nursing research
  7. Nursing communication process
  8. Certified nurse assistant preparatory school: business plan
  9. Nurse roles in practice
  10. Self-employed nurses as agents of change in Canada
  11. Joint Commission: national patient safety goals


Top 10 Nursing Research Questions

  • What’s the connection between psychiatric ward design and aggressive behavior?
  • How can computerized nursing records improve the outcomes for patients?
  • Do changes that occur in the brain due to dementia cause pain?
  • How can tweet reminders help teenagers with type 1 diabetes maintain lower blood sugars?
  • What’s the efficacy of yoga as a treatment in reducing lymphedema in cancer patients?
  • How can peer support intervention help to prevent suicides among female high school students?
  • Is it possible to link veterans’ suicide rates to the timing and location of suicide prevention appointments?
  • What can be done to improve the sustainability of operating rooms?
  • What are the roles of nurse managers in turnover intervention among nursing staff?
  • What are the ways of preventing cachexia in cancer patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy?