
Labor and Delivery Emotional Intelligence

Discussion Questions on Emotional Intelligence in Labor and Delivery 1.

  1. What do you think about the emotional intelligence (EI) of Jones? Would you rank Dr. Jones on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest? Why?
  • Given how quickly he becomes angry and how he treats a mother who may soon lose her children, I believe that he has a low emotional intelligence score of just one. Furthermore, he screamed at Ms. Smith over the phone when she questioned him about the circumstances, demonstrating his obvious error in this instance. He became enraged with Ms. Smith because he was unable to accept responsibility for his error Labor and Delivery Emotional Intelligence.


  1. Repeat this process for Ms. Smith, the nurse manager.
  • I would rate Ms. Smith a nine since she shows concern for Ms. Ford’s feelings following the news and shows empathy for her. She also desires a respectful death for the infant and consolation for the mother. In addition, she phones the doctor to get more details because she wants what’s best for the patient Labor and Delivery Emotional Intelligence.


  1. Do you think there should be any consequences for Dr. Jones as a result of his
    behavior? What can be done?
  • Since Dr. Jones disrespected another employee and erred by failing to notify the hospital that Ms. Ford would be visiting, I believe it is appropriate to ask that he be allowed to take a few days off from work without pay. In addition, he ought to be going to emotional intelligence and acceptable behavior at work training.


  1. Should Ms. Smith question Dr. Jones’s orders for feeding the terminal baby? How
    would she do this?
  • The orders from Dr. Jones seem questionable to me, Ms. Smith. Despite his bad attitude, the doctor’s words should be understood, therefore it does not excuse him from acting inappropriately. The doctor needs to be reminded by Ms. Smith that the patient’s life comes before the doctor’s emotions.


  1. What should the hospital do to try to educate the staff about emotional intelligence?
    Explain your answer.
  • Staff members should receive training from the hospital since it’s critical that physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals understand how to handle bereaved families and the feelings of patients receiving unfavorable news. Each trade should have its own training so that it is applicable and helpful when faced with obstacles. Labor and Delivery Emotional Intelligence


  1. How could teamwork training help this Neonatal ICU team? Explain your answer
  • The effectiveness and safety of this Neonatal ICU team for both patients and providers could be increased with teamwork training. Because training could aid in the group’s understanding of efficient communication, the best methods for working together, respect for one another, Labor and Delivery Emotional Intelligence professional training, and accountability.