
Common nursing exam questions and answers

Thin superficial compact layer of decidua’s covering the blastocyst is called as?
Answer: Decidua capsularis. The decidua, like secretory endometrium, consists of three layers: the superficial compact layer, the intermediate spongy layer, the thin basal layer Important nursing exam questions and answers.


The First case of Covid positive case in India reported in?
Answer: Kerala. India reported its first positive case of the novel coronavirus (nCoV) from Kerala with a student, who was studying in Wuhan University and had traveled to India, testing positive for the virus.


The epithelial tissue which is found in the uterine tubes is?
Answer: Ciliated. The fallopian tube mucosal layer is a simple columnar epithelium composed of secretory and ciliated epithelial cells, in order to provide the necessary environment for fertilization of the egg cell Important nursing exam questions and answers.


The part of the fetus which occupies the lower pole of the uterus is called?
Answer: Presentation. Presentation refers to the part of the fetus body that leads the way out through the birth canal or called the presenting part


Low levels of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein levels are found in
Answer: Down Syndrome. Low levels of AFP and Important nursing exam questions and answers. abnormal levels of hCG and estriol may indicate the developing baby has Trisomy 21(Down syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome) or another type of chromosome abnormality.


Passive movement of the head due to untwisting of the neck sustained during internal rotation is called?
Answer: Restitution. This is the spontaneous realignment of the head with the shoulders.


Most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage
Answer: Atonic uterus. Atony of the uterus also called uterine atony, is a serious condition that can occur after childbirth. It occurs when the uterus fails to contract after the delivery of the baby, and it can lead to a potentially life-threatening condition known as postpartum hemorrhage.


The type of abnormality where the umbilical cord is attached to membranes is called?
Answer: vaelamentous placenta. A velamentous cord insertion is a rare pregnancy complication in which the umbilical cord is abnormally inserted into the placenta. In a normal gestational sac, the umbilical cord is inserted into the middle of the placenta (central insertion) and entirely enclosed in the amniotic sac


The total lung capacity in a healthy adult male is Important nursing exam questions and answers. approximate?
Answer: 6000 L. Lung capacities are combinations of specific lung volumes


The ideal roller bandage application for body parts where the thickness varies, such as over the forearm, is?
Answer: Reverse spiral. A reverse spiral bandage is a spiral bandage where the bandage is folded back on itself by 180° after each turn. This V-shaped fold allows the bandage to fit to the tapered shape of the body part all the way along. This type of bandaging is required when using non-elasticated bandages.


The external rotation of the hip in the supine position, is prevented by using?
Answer: Trochanter roll. Trochanter roll a wedge (usually a rolled towel) placed from the crest of the ilium to mid-thigh to prevent external rotation of the hip when the patient is in a recumbent position.


In postural drainage ‘supine in Trendelenburg’s position is given to drain secretions from?
Answer: Anterior segment of both lower lobes of lungs


A simple and cost-effective method for reducing the risk of hypostatic pneumonia in a bedridden patient is?
Answer: Frequent change of positions. Pulmonary congestion due to the stagnation of blood in the dependent portions of the lungs in old persons or in those who are ill and lie in the same position for long periods is the reason for hypostatic pneumonia.


When transporting a patient with intercostal drainage (ICD) tubes the nurse should be aware that?
Answer: Do not clamp the chest tube and keep the drainage system below the chest


Give an example of an isotonic intravenous solution?
Answer: Ringer’s Lactate. When infused, isotonic solutions expand both the intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid spaces, equally. Such fluids do not alter the osmolality of the vascular compartment.


WHO declared the 2019-novel Coronavirus outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on Important nursing exam questions and answers.?
Answer: January 30, 2020


Answer: First death due to COVID was reported in which district in Kerala?
Ernakulam. A 69-year-old man who was admitted to the COVID-19 care centre in Ernakulam died at 8 a.m. on March 28. He is Kerala first COVID-19 victim.



In Hildegard Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Model, the focus is on?
Answer: Individual. Peplau published her Theory of Interpersonal Relations in 1952. The nursing model identifies four sequential phases in the interpersonal relationship: orientation, identification, exploitation, and resolution.


Which of the following cells of the body are in almost constant mitosis?
 Nerve cells
 Stomach cells
 Muscle cells
 Renal cells
Answer. Stomach cells.

Which client is a rectal temperature most usually contraindicated?
Answer: Client who has had a myocardial infarction. Vagal stimulation during probe insertion can further worsen MI.


Which people have the largest percentage of water in their bodies?
Answer: Lean Men. Since muscle contains more water than fat, the fittest people contain the most water of people their age, while those with the fattest contain the least. Muscle mass is more in men than females.


A complete set of chromosomes containing all the genetic information of an individual is called?
Answer: Genome. Each person’s genome is unique and specific to the individual. Identical twins are the exception to this, having identical genomes.


The location of a specific gene on a chromosome is called?
Answer: The gene locus. The gene locus is the specific location of a gene on a chromosome; it does not vary between individuals.


Brownish black pigmented area in the midline of the abdomen of a pregnant woman extending from xiphisternum to symphysis pubis?
Answer: Linea nigra. often referred to as a pregnancy line, is a linear hyperpigmentation that commonly appears on the abdomen


In meiosis, how many daughter cells are produced?
Answer: 4. Meiosis is the type of cell division that produces the gametes in males and females. The first division produces two cells; these two new cells then divide again. A total of four daughter cells are produced from one parent cell


Which hormone, produced by the ovaries, inhibits the secretion of FSH and LH?
Inhibin. Ovaries produce inhibin which inhibits secretion of FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary Important nursing exam questions and answers..

The acrosome of sperm contains?
 Mitochondria
 Lysosomal enzyme
 Nuclear material
 All of the above
Answer. All of the above. The acrosome is a cap-like structure on the head of sperm cells. Acrosome formation is completed during testicular maturation of the sperm.


Which blood group can be transfused into an O Rh− patient?
 Rh−
 Rh+
 AB Rh+
 AB Rh−
Answer: O Rh−. This patient can only receive precisely matched blood from an O Rh− donor because their O Rh− blood will possess both antibodies ‘a’ and antibody ‘b’


What is the first line of defense in any immune response?
Answer: Anatomical, mechanical and chemical barriers. The first lines of immune defense are the anatomical and chemical barriers that external invaders will encounter. The skin is a major anatomical barrier and the first line of defense against infection.


Creatinine is a metabolic waste Important nursing exam questions and answers. product excreted in urine and derived from?
Answer: Muscle. Creatinine is a break-down product of creatine phosphate in muscle and is usually produced at a constant rate by the body (depending on muscle mass).