
Community Health Nursing questions with answers. Community health officers MCQs revision questions for nursing exams like RRB, MRB, CHO, JIPMER, AIIMS, NIMHANS etc

1. RCH programme was launched in the year?
a) 1987
b) 1992
c) 1997
d) 1985
Answer: 1997
– RCH The reproductive and child health programme was launched in the year 1997 October with aim of reducing infant, child and maternal mortality rates.

2. Which disease mainly affects children under 5 and remains endemic in only two countries?
a) 1987
b) 1992
c) 1997
d) 1985
Answer: Polio

3. How many infants worldwide are still missing out on basic vaccines?
1.4 million
5.9 million
18.7 million
12.3 million
Answer: 18.7 million

4. The biggest challenges to improving global vaccine coverage are?
a) Limited resources
b) Competing health priorities
c) Poor management of health systems
d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above

5. Controlling measures of pertussis includes?
a) Isolation pf patient
b) DPT vaccine
c) Disinfection of discharges
d) All the above
Answer. All the above

6. Which of the following is NOT a vaccine preventable disease?
a) Polio
b) Asthma
c) Measles
d) Hepatitis B
Answer. Asthma

7. Zero dose of polio vaccine is given at?
a) At birth
b) After measles vaccine
c) After one year of birth
d) 6 months after birth
Answer. At birth


8. Oral polio vaccine is a?
a) Killed vaccine
b) Live vaccine
c) Recombinant vaccine
d) Frozen dry vaccine
Answer. Live vaccine

9. CSSM programme was launched in the year?
a) 1987
b) 1985
c) 1992
d) 1967
Answer. 1992

10. The committee appointed to study the arrangements necessary for the maintenance phase of (NMEP) National Malaria Eradication programme Community Health Nursing questions with answers. Community health officers MCQs revision questions for nursing exams like was?
a) Bajaj committee
b) Chadha committee
c) Mudaliar committee
d) Kartar Singh committee
Answer. Chadha committee
– Chandha committee advises about the necessary arrangements for the maintenance phase of “National Malaria Eradication Programme”

11. “ASHA” scheme came into force under?
a) ICDS scheme
d) National health policy
Answer. NHRM

12. Taenia saginata is commonly known as?
a) Beef tapeworm
b) Hookworm
c) Roundworm
d) Grey worm
Answer. Beef tapeworm

13. Biological control of mosquitoes is done using?
a) Insecticides
b) Mineral oils
c) Fishes
d) All the above
Answer. Fishes

14. Amoebiasis is caused by?
a) Taenia saginata
b) Adenovisus
c) Entamoeba histolytica
d) Varicella zoster
Answer. Entamoeba histolytica

15. Hydrophobia is associated with?
a) Polio
b) Tetanus
c) Dengue
d) Rabies
Answer. Rabies

16. Applied Nutrition Programme was introduced in the year?
a) 1985
b) 1992
c) 1963
d) 1987
Answer. 1963

17. National TB Control Programme was launched in the year?
a) 1972
b) 1982
c) 1962
d) 1952
Answer. 1962
– Its AIM was to detect the cases earliest and treat them.

18. Bird flu is caused by?
a) Virus
b) Bacteria
c) Fungi
d) Protozoa
Answer. Virus

19. World tuberculosis day is celebrated on?
a) 25th Julylllll0
b) 24th March
c) 12th March
d) 6TH August
Answer. 24th March


20. GOBI campaign of the UNICEF includes all except:
a) Observation
b) Breastfeeding
c) Growth monitoring
d) Immunization
Answer. Observation
 GOBI-FFF campaign of the UNICEF includes
– G-Growth monitoring
– O-Oral Rehydration Therapy
– B-Breastfeeding
– I-Immunization
– F- Female education
– F-Family spacing
– F-Food supplements

21. Virus of bird flu is also known as?
a) NH 53
b) HN 71
c) HN 15
d) H5N1
Answer. H5N1
• Influenza
• Severe respiratory disease in birds.
– Avian influenza
– Bird flu

22. Which of the following organization is NOT having their headquarters at Geneva?
a) International Red Cross
b) World Health Organization
c) International Labour Organization
Answer. UNICEF

23. Dracunculiasis is caused by?
a) E.Histolytica
b) Rota virus
c) A.lumbricoides
d) D.medinensis
Answer. D.medinensis

24. Which test is used to determine what type of leprosy the personal has? Community Health Nursing questions with answers. Community health officers MCQs revision questions for nursing exams like
a) Tuberculin test
b) Lepromin test
c) ELISA test
d) Shick test
Answer. Lepromin test

25. Anti rabbies vaccine was discovered by?
a) Alexander flemming
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Sigmud Freud
d) Aristotle
Answer. Louis Pasteur

26. The ovum is released in which day of menstrual cycle?
a) 11
b) 14
c) 25
d) 28
Answer. 14

27. ICDS was launched in the year?
a) 1975
b) 1965
c) 1985
d) 1955
Answer. 1975
• ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services)
– Food
– Preschool education
– Primary Health Care
– Immunization
– Health checkup and referral services

28. Which of the following disease is NOT transmitted by airborne droplets?
a) Measles
b) Chicken pox
c) Poliomyelitis
d) Tuberculosis
Answer. Poliomyelitis

29. Bhore committee was started in?
a) 1947
b) 1997
c) 1967
d) 1943
Answer. 1943

30. Bhore committee submitted their report in the year?
a) 1943
b) 1946
c) 1972
d) 1985
Answer. 1946


31. Universal immunization programme was lanched in the year?
a) 1982
b) 1977
c) 1985
d) 1987
Answer. 1985
Age Vaccines given
* At Birth – Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG), Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)-0, Hepatitis B birth
* 6 Weeks – OPV-1, Pentavalent-1, Rotavirus Vaccine (RVV)-1, Fractional dose of Inactivated Polio Vaccine(fIPV)-1, Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine(PCV) -1*
* 10 weeks – OPV-2, Pentavalent-2, RVV-2
* 14 weeks – OPV-3, Pentavalent-3, fIPV-2, RVV-3, PCV-2*
* 9-12 months – Measles & Rubella (MR)-1, JE-1** , PCV-Booster*
* 16-24 months – MR-2, JE-2**, Diphtheria, Pertussis & Tetanus (DPT)-Booster-1, OPV –Booster
* 5-6 years – DPT-Booster-2
* 10 years – Tetanus & adult Diphtheria (Td)
* 16 years – Td Pregnant Mother Td-1, Td-2 or Td-Booster***

32. Which of the following treatment therapy is used for leprosy?
a) Phototherapy
c) Chemotherapy
d) MDT
Answer. MDT
-Curable with “Multi Drug Therapy”
– RX with only 1 Anti leprosy drug leads to resistance

33. Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh is a voluntary agency related to the disease? Professional nursing writing help Meet the team that makes it all possible
34. How many kilocalories are in a gram of protein?
35. Which type of vaccine is BCG?
36. Infectious disease which transmits from mother to fetus is termed as?
37. The mosquito which lays its eggs on the leaves of certain aquatic plants is?
38. The sex chromosome composition of XO is related to?
39. Which of the following is NOT a saturated fatty acid?
40. ASHA work at?
41. National Malaria Control Programme was launched in the year?
42. The committee on Multipurpose Workers under Health and family planning is also known as?
43. MMR vaccine provides protection against which disease? Professional nursing writing help Meet the team that makes it all possible
44. Flaccid paralysis, fever and sore throat are the important clinical features of?
45. The drugs used for tuberculosis includes?
46. Best progesterone for the emergency contraception is?
47. Zilla Parishad is at what level?
48. In a patient of fever, ”Fastigium” is a term given to which period?
49. World Health Organization (WHO) declared world free from Small Pox in the year?
50. Tuberculin skin test was developed by?
51. One packet of oral contraceptive pills contains how many pills?
52. Natural contraceptive method is?
53. First case of AIDS was detected in India in the year?
54. Cholera is a?
55. National rural health mission was launched in the year?
56. In which population the community health centre is situated or community Health centre caters to a population of?
57. Correct method for calculating Community Health Nursing questions with answers. Community health officers MCQs revision questions for nursing exams like expected date of delivery is?
58. One subcenter is meant to cover how much population in hilly areas?
59. What do you mean by incidence?
60. ESI Act was launched in the year?
61. Smallpox is caused by?
62. What are the first line of drugs used in the treatment of (TB) Tuberculosis
63. Causative organism of Q fever is?
64. DOTS is used in the treatment of?
65. What is the primary goal of treatment for cholera?
66. Strep throat is caused by?
67. Genital herpes is caused by which organism?
68. Aldehyde test for Napier is used to diagnose?
69. Socratic method of communication is?
70. Which blood group is called the universal donor?
71. Which blood group is called the universal recipient?
72. Rheumatic heart disease is related to which condition?
73. Dengue fever is transmitted by?
74. Causative organism of AIDS is?
75. Who is the father of Epidemiology?
76. Measles is infectious during?
77. World AIDS day is celebrated on?
78. An example of Louse borne disease is?
79. The addition of colouring agents to food is called?
80. Basic unit in all societies is?
81. Kala Azar is transmitted by?
82. Montex test is read after? Professional nursing writing help Meet the team that makes it all possible
83. The classic triad of Rubella include?
84. Condom is which method of contraception?
85. The census is taken at interval of?
86. The census is taken at interval of?
87. Cholera is caused by?
88. World Health Day is celebrated on?
89. World No-Tobacco Day is celebrated on?
90. (ORS) Oral Rehydration Solution should not be used after?
91. The headquarters of ESI / ESIC is located in?
92. Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) was founded in the year?
93. Rubella disease is also termed as?
94. What is the other name of Beef Tapeworm?
95. Most common cause of blindness in India is?
96. Pellagra is a deficiency disease caused due to deficiency of? Community Health Nursing questions with answers. Community health officers MCQs revision questions for nursing exams like.
97. Which disease is caused by varicella zoster?
98. Leprosy is also termed as?
99. Yellow fever is a?
100. Hepatitis-A is mainly transmitted through?
101. Hepatitis-B is mainly transmitted through?
102. Which mosquito is known as the Tiger mosquito of Forest mosquito?
103. Schick test is used to detect? Professional nursing writing help Meet the team that makes it all possible
104. Trachoma is a infectious disease related to?
105. (MTP) Medical Termination of pregnancy can be done up to?
106. ASHA stands for?
107. Cat scratch disease is caused by?