
2024 Nursing sample exam questions

1. The nurse understands that nursing informatics as a specialty area of practiced by which statement?
Answer. Research priorities for nursing informatics includes the development of a standard nursing language and the development of databases for clinical information

2. Which statement by the nurse verifies that nurse is “information literate”?
Answer. I understand how to research for a website and evaluate its usefulness for health care needs

3. What is information?
Answer. Data that can be interpreted. EX: Pt’s temp. Grouping of data process into meaningful Structured form

4. The nurse gathers much data when caring for clients. Which is an example of the higher-level “information” useful in caring for clients?
Answer. After receiving Rocephin 1.0g IV yesterday, the client reported feeling better. 2024 Nursing sample exam questions.

5. Which statement best distinguishes the difference between information literacy and computer Literacy?
Answer. Information literacy forms the basis for ongoing learning whereas computer literacy refers to a familiarity with the use of personal computers.

6. Which statement indicates the appropriate level of informatics competencies to the correct nurse?
Answer. A nurse informatics specialist extrapolates data to develop best practice model for indwelling catheter care.

7. What is Quality Information?
Answer. Information that is timeless, precision, accuracy, numerically quantifiable, easily available, unbiased, clear, and reliable. 2024 Nursing sample exam questions.

8. What is data?
Answer. Collection of numbers, characters, or facts that are gathered for a need. EX: Pts VS. Raw unprocessed number symbols or words that have no meaning by themselves. without context data is meaningless.

9. What is data integrity?
Answer. Ability to collect, store, and retrieve correct, complete, and current data. So data is available to authorize users.

10. What is necessary to determine of a website has quality information?
Answer. Credited seal, good contact information, not selling things, creditable authors, unbiased (things discussed in class) has URAC or HON CODE

11. Why do we study nurse informatics?
Answer. Information is power and technology facilitates a creative process in nurses, and improves patient education, teaching, and learning.

12. What is a common reality that occurs with nursing and technology?. 2024 Nursing sample exam questions.
Answer. Nurses will be comfortable working with computers and advanced technology while providing care for clients


13. What is the electronic record of patient health information produced by encounters in one
or more care setting?
Answer. EHR

14. What are at least 2 economic benefits of telehealth?
Answer. Decreased ER visits, decrease length of stay, decrease admission, decrease travel cost, increase in productivity of clinicians

15. What is the definition of nursing terminologies?
Answer. A systematic standardized way of describing nursing practice and includes data sets, taxonomies, nomenclatures, and classification.

16. The number 1 focus of EHR as stated by IOM?
Answer. Patient safety

17. What are the components of the metaparadigm of nursing?
Answer. Nurse, patient, health, and environment

18. What are the consumers of telehealth technology?
Answer. Chronically ill, isolated, concerned families, and assisted living patients

19. A DSS or CDSS should support, not replace what of a clinician or manager?
Answer. Judgement and critical thinking

20. What are 3 peripheral devices used in telehealth?
Answer. Scale, BP monitor, Pulse oximeter, thermometer, glucometer, EKG or heart monitor, PTT/INR meter, camera. 2024 Nursing sample exam questions.

21. What is a system designed to support health care providers in making decisions about the delivery and management of patient care?
Answer. Clinical Decision Support System

22. What module is used to enter meds and other orders into the computer?
Answer. Order entry management

23. What allows the clinician to be in be in contact with a patient without a face to face encounter?
Answer. Telehealth

24. People who share a specialized knowledge?
Answer. Professional

25. What is the ability to apply appropriate to use knowledge to manage and solve human problems?
Answer. Wisdom

26. What is a RN with an advance’s education possess additional knowledge skills to computer and information technology?
Answer. Nurse informatics specialist

27. What is the goal of nursing informatics?
Answer. Improve health of populations, communities, families and individuals by optimizing information management and communication.

28. What is data that is interpreted, organized or structured?
Answer. Information. 2024 Nursing sample exam questions.

29. What is information that is synthesized so that relationships are identified and formalized?
Answer. Knowledge

30. The process of actively and skillfully using knowledge to apply analyze, synthesize and /or evaluate data and information?
Answer. Critical thinking

31. What is informatics?
Answer. The interdisciplinary study of the design, application, use and impact of information technology

32. What is nursing informatics?
Answer. A combination of computer, information, and nursing science designed to assist in the management and processing of nursing data, information, and knowledge. 2024 Nursing sample exam questions.

33. What is healthcare informatics?
Answer. AKA clinical informatics directed at the level of individuals an umbrella tern including medical, dental and nursing

34. Benefits of nursing informatics?
Answer. Enhance practice and allows nursing science to develop Improve documentation (saves time)
Uses data for quality control and research Builds evidence-based nursing knowledge

35. Informatics Pyramid (Bottom to top):
Answer. Data ~ information ~ knowledge~ Wisdom

36. What is structed data:
Answer. Follows standards; easily shared; less flexible, reliable reporting

37. What is unstructured data?
Answer. Easy to use; flexible; requires analytics; not as reliable; not as easily shared

38. What is evidence- based practice?
Answer. Provides basis for clinical guidelines and clinical decision support

39. What is clinical decision-making?. 2024 Nursing sample exam questions.
Answer. Choices are based on the idea that research-based care improves outcomes


40. What is knowledge transformation?
Answer. The conversion of research findings through a series of stages to impact health outcomes

41. Meaningful use?
Answer. Established to improve quality, safety, and efficiency, engage patients and families in care, improve coordination of care, improve public and population health, ensure privacy and security

42. HITECH act?
Answer. Health information technology for economic and clinical health ~ 2009: promotes
adoption and meaningful use of health IT.