
Emotional intelligence in labor and delivery

Discussion Questions

1. What is your opinion of Dr. Jones’s emotional intelligence (EI)? Based on a scale of 1–10, with 1 being lowest, how would you rate Dr. Jones? Why?
I think his emotional intelligence is a 1, because he gets irritated easily and has a really bad attitude towards a woman that is going to lose her children after a few hours. To add on, he yelled at Ms. Smith on the phone when she wanted to know more about the situation and clearly, he was wrong in this situation. He was not willing to admit his mistake and ended up getting mad at Ms. Smith.

2. Repeat this process for Ms. Smith, the nurse manager.
I would give Ms. Smith a 9, she has empathy towards Ms. Ford and cares about how she feels after receiving the news. She also wants to let the mother feel comfortable and give the baby a dignified death. She also wants what’s best for the patient, where she calls the doctor and asks for more information.

3. Do you think there should be any consequences for Dr. Jones as a result of his behavior? What can be done?
I think Dr. Jones should be requested to leave for a few days without pay, because he did not respect another coworker and he did make a mistake by not informing the hospital that Ms. Ford is coming in. He should also be attending training for appropriate work place behavior and emotional intelligence training.


4. Should Ms. Smith question Dr. Jones’s orders for feeding the terminal baby? How would she do this?
I think Ms. Smith should question Dr. Jones’ orders. Since it is important to understand what the doctor meant, even though he is in a terrible mood, it does not give him an excuse to act poorly. Ms. Smith should remind the doctor that the patient’s life is more important, than what the doctor is feeling.

5. What should the hospital do to try to educate the staff about emotional intelligence? Explain your answer.
The hospital should provide training for staff, because it is important for doctors, nurses, and other providers to learn how to deal with a grieving family or the emotions of a patient getting bad news. The training should be specific to each profession, so it would be relevant and useful when they encounter challenges.

6. How could teamwork training help this Neonatal ICU team? Explain your answer.
Teamwork training could improve the efficiency and safety for both patients and providers of this Neonatal ICU team. Because training could help the team understand how to communicate effectively, find the best way to collaborate, have mutual respect, professional training, and accountability.

7. Considering the concepts and ideas from Module 5 Quality Improvement how does the behavior of the Dr Jones impact the ability of the organization to offer the highest quality healthcare to its patients?
Dr. Jones lowers the quality of care for patients. Not only did he make a mistake by not sending in the prenatal record and notifying the hospital Ms. Ford coming, he was not a good leader to the team. Patient centered care is what makes a hospital improve their quality. Dr. Jones was not responsive to Ms. Ford’s medical and psychological needs; therefore, his behavior affects the hospital’s care negatively.

8. What quality metrics would need to be in place to capture the impact of Dr Jones’s behavior?
The quality metric that should be used is patient satisfaction of the care provided by the hospital. It is important to not overlook and simplify the doctor’s action and impact towards Ms. Ford. The hospital should also be committed to resilience, to help the patient and to rebuild the team dynamics and relationship in order to work together well.

9. Considering the concepts and ideas from Module 6 Teamwork what approaches/actions would you recommend to improve teamwork in this labor and delivery department?
The department should be working towards being a learning organization, because it is important for the staff as a whole to continuously improve their working styles. I would recommend working together as a whole system, individual commitment of learning, and individuals sharing what they have learned so the whole team could be more knowledgeable.


10. How would you tie Dr Jones’s and Ms. Smith’s performance to their pay? What metrics would capture their performance in a way that would tie it to their pay?
Dr. Jones being the doctor usually would receive a higher amount of money, due to degree and license, but the amount of work Ms. Smith put in makes her deserve a higher pay regardless of the level of education and a NURS 6630 Final Exam Questions  doctor’s license. She ends up being a more responsible provider than Dr. Jones, even though she is paid less. I think the amount of effort put in for a patient-based care should help determine their pay. The pay towards both Ms. Smith and Dr. Jones should focus on quality of care for
patients and the health outcome of patients.