
Midterm Exam NUR 3165 Research

  1. Phenomenological research, the element of hermeneutics:
  • Nurse researchers are using Hermeneutics as one type of interpretive phenomenological research method that is concurrent with Heidegger’s philosophical perspective.
  • The research begins with a naive reading of the texts that involves textual analysis.
  • Research remains open to the participants viewpoint on reading a text naively.
  • Texts analyzed by nurse researchers are transcripts of interviews and published documents.
  • The researcher identifies subthemes and themes from the naive readings that are examined in the research.
  • Interpreted phenomenon is produced after integration of the text, themes and relevant literature.
  • The Interpretive phenomenological research involves analyzing the data and presenting a rich word picture of the phenomenon as interpreted by the researcher which is consistent with Heidegger’s philosophy,


  1. Ethnographic Research
  • This research was developed as a method to study how cultures developed and are maintained overtime by anthropologists.
  • Anthropologist, through emerging in the culture, study a group of people who share a culture and their ways of surviving through time, origins and past ways of living.
  • Ethnography can also be applied to the product of the investigation, the written description of the study of the culture.
  • Early ethnography researchers study primitive, foreign, or remote cultures. Such studies enable the researcher who spent one year or longer in another culture to acquire new perspectives about this specific people, including the ways of living, believing, and adapting to changing environmental circumstances. This reflects the emic approach, one of studying behaviors from within the culture that recognizes the uniqueness of the individual. The emic view from inside the culture is the typical goal of ethnography but may be alternated with the etic approach. Question: Which of the following best illustrates the emic perspective in research?
  1. Finding a quality of a phenomenon and looking for examples of the quality
  2. Taking an outsider’s view of a phenomenon
  3. Exploring the way members of a group view themselves
  4. Validating perspectives about a group through discussion. Professional nursing writing help “Midterm Exam NUR 3165 Research”  Meet the team that makes it all possible
  • The etic approach is to view the culture as a naive outsider and analyze its elements as a researcher.
  • Morgan-Trimmer and Wood have argued for using both approaches to achieve the goals of ethnography.


  1. The rigor within quantitative research?
  • Striving for excellence in research is referred to as Rigor, which requires adherence to detail, discipline, accuracy and precision. When rigor is applied, study findings are considered trustworthy.
  • A rigorously conductive quantitative study has precise measuring tools, a representative sample, in a tightly controlled study design.
  • Critically appraising the rigor of a study involves examining the reasoning used in conducting the study.
  • Logical reasoning, including deductive and inductive reasoning, is essential to the development of quantitative studies.
  • Another aspect of rigor is precision, which encompasses accuracy, details, and order. Precision is evident in the concise statement of the research purpose and detailed development of the study design.
  • Precision allows for replication and for variation, which is necessary for other scientists to validate or extend the findings.


  1. 4. Entering the world of nursing research
  • Nursing research is a scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge that directly and indirectly influences nursing practice.
  • Nursing research is the key to building an evidence-based practice (EBP) for our profession.
  • The word research means “to search again” or “to examine carefully.” Research is a diligent systematic inquiry or study that validates and refines existing knowledge and develops new knowledge. Diligent systematic study indicates planning, organization, and persistence.


  1. Purpose of nursing research
  • The purposes of research in nursing include description, explanation, prediction, and control of phenomena in practice.
  • The ultimate goal of research is to develop an empirical body of knowledge for a discipline or profession, such as nursing.
  • Nursing research requires determining the relevant knowledge needed by nurses. Because nursing is a practice profession, research is essential to develop and refine knowledge that nurses can implement to improve, clinical practice and promote quality outcomes.
  • Nursing research is also needed to generate knowledge about nursing education, nursing administration, health care services, characteristics of nurses, and nursing roles.
  • Through research, nurses can develop and refine the best methods for delivering distance nursing education and for using simulation to improve student learning.


  1. The characteristics of a quality sample in a qualitative research study
  • Important factors that need to be considered in determining sample size are:
  1. Scope of the study
  2. nature of the topic
  3. quality of the data
  4. design of the study


  • In qualitative research, the sample size must be large enough to identify relationships among variables or determine differences between groups.
  • The larger the sample size and effect size, the greater the power to detect relationships and differences in qualitative studies. However, qualitative research focuses on the quality of information obtained from the person, situation, or event sampled, rather than on the size of the sample.
  • The sample size can be too small when the data collected lack adequate depth or richness, and an inadequate sample size can reduce the quality and credibility of the study findings.
  • The number of participants in a qualitative study is adequate when saturation occurs. Saturation occurs when newly collected data begins to be the same as what has already been collected. The researcher has adequate data to answer the research question while appropriately implementing the study design.


  1. Components of evidence-based practice
  • EBP is the conscientious integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient circumstances and values in the delivery of quality, safe, and cost-effective health care.
  • There has been a dramatic growth in the production of evidence-based guidelines to assist health care providers in building an evidence-based practice and improving healthcare outcomes for patients, families, providers, and health care agencies.
  • Evidence based guidelines are rigorous and explicit clinical guidelines that have been developed based on the best research evidence available in that area. Professional nursing writing help “Midterm Exam NUR 3165 Research”  Meet the team that makes it all possible
  • These guidelines are usually developed by a team or panel of expert clinicians (nurses, positions, pharmacists), researchers, and sometimes consumers, policymakers, and economists.
  • These guidelines have become the gold standard (standard of excellence) for patient care, and nurses and other health care providers are highly encouraged to incorporate these standardized guidelines into their practice.
  • The most important source for evidence-based guidelines in the United States is the national guideline clearinghouse, initiated in 1998 by the AHRQ.
  • When selecting a guideline for practice, ensure that the guideline was developed by a credible agency or organization and that the reference list reflects the synthesis of an extensive number of studies.


  1. 8. Concept
  • Concepts are terms that abstractly describe and name an object, idea, experience, or phenomenon, thus providing it with a separate identity or meaning. Concepts are defined in a particular way to present the idea is relevant to a theory.
  • Person, environment, health, and nursing are known as the metaparadigm concepts of our discipline.
  • A concept is the basic element of a theory. Each concept in a theory needs to be defined by the theorist.
  • The definition of a concept might be detailed and complete, or it might be vague and incomplete and requires further development. Theories with clearly identified and defined concepts provide a stronger basis for research framework

A concept may be used to describe a phenomenon, the conscious awareness of an experience that comprises the lives of humans. Professional nursing writing help “Midterm Exam NUR 3165 Research” Meet the team that makes it all possible

  • Two terms closely related to concept are construct and variable. In more abstract theories, concepts have very general meanings that maybe a label for a complex idea and are sometimes referred to as constructs.
  • A construct is a broader category or idea that may encompass several concepts.

For example, a construct for the concept of social support might be resources.

Another concept that is a resource might be household income.

  • At a more concrete level, terms are referred to as variables and are narrow in their definition. That’s a variable is more specific than a concept. The word variable implies that the term is defined so that it is measurable and suggests that numerical values and the term are able to vary (are variable) from one instance to another


  1. Step just prior to beginning a literature search
  • Selecting electronic databases and search terms is the step just prior to beginning a literature review. Professional nursing writing help “Midterm Exam NUR 3165 Research”  Meet the team that makes it all possible


  1. Description for a nurse position in a teaching hospital:


  1. Critically appraising a framework (ch 7, p 181)
  • Critical appraisal guidelines for a framework of a study
  1. Is a research framework explicitly identified and described in the study? If so, what is the name of the theory and theorists used for the framework?
  2. Are the concepts in the framework conceptually defined?
  3. Are the operational definitions of the variables consistent with their associated conceptual definitions?
  4. Do the researchers clearly identify the relationship statements or preposition(s) from the framework being examined by the study design?
  5. Are the study findings linked back to the framework?


  1. Represents a research question?
  • The research question is a clear, concise, interrogative statement that is worded in the present tense, includes one or more variables, and is expressed to guide the implementation of studies.
  • Quantitative studies : The foci research questions in quantitative studies are descriptions of variables, examination of relationships among variables, use of independent variables to predict the dependent variable, and determination of differences between two or more groups regarding selected variables.

-These research questions are usually narrowly focused and inclusive of the study variables in population. It is really a matter of choice whether researchers identify objectives or questions in their study but, more often, questions are stated to get descriptive and correlational quantitative studies.

-These researchers identified a purpose and research question to direct the implementation of their study (examples of quantitative research questions):

  1. What are USAF nursing personnel’s level of stigma and barriers to access mental health (MH) services, stress, and resilience?
  2. What are the magnitude and direction of associations among stigma and barriers to accessing mental health services, stress, and resilience

in USAF nursing personnel?

iii. Are the demographic characteristics, military grade, past deployment, and access to mental health services related to stigma and barriers to accessing mental health services, stress, and resilience among USAF nursing personnel?

  • Qualitative studies : The research questions directing qualitative studies are often limited in number, broadly focused, and inclusive of variables or concepts that are more complex and abstract than those of quantitative studies. Professional nursing writing help “Midterm Exam NUR 3165 Research”  Meet the team that makes it all possible

-The questions developed to direct qualitative research might be theoretical, which can be studies with different populations were in a variety of sites, or the questions could be focused on a particular population or setting. The study questions formulated are very important for the selection of qualitative research

method used to conduct the study.

-E.g., of research questions for qualitative study:

  1. Why did this community outreach nursing program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities emerge?
  2. What is the daily work of the community outreach nurses in this program with the goal of promoting healthy aging and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the community?


  1. Exploratory-descriptive qualitative research approach
  • Researchers design exploratory-descriptive qualitative studies to obtain information needed to develop a program or intervention for a specific group of patients.
  • Usually, the researchers are exploring a new topic or describing a situation, so we have chosen to label these studies as exploratory-descriptive qualitative research.
  • Studies consistent with this approach are not a specific type of research; rather, they are studies conducted for a specific purpose that do not fit into another of the categories.
  • Exploratory-descriptive qualitative studies are developed to provide information an insight into clinical or practice problems.
  • The philosophical orientation of exploratory-descriptive qualitative research may vary, depending on the purpose of the study, but often the researcher has a pragmatic orientation. The pragmatic researcher is in search of useful information and practical solutions and designs studies to understand what works.
  • A well designed, exploratory-descriptive qualitative study answers the research question.
  • Exploratory descriptive qualitative research is being conducted by several researchers to describe unique concepts, issues, health problems, or situations that lack clear description or definition.


  1. Describe phenomena in real-life situations
  • A concept, statement, or a theory may be used to describe a phenomenon, the conscious awareness of an experience that comprises the lives of humans. The plural form is phenomena.
  • You may understand the phenomenon of anxiety as a result of giving your first injections or the elation of learning you have been accepted into nursing school