
Frequently Asked Nursing Questions and Answers | TOP Nursing Questions in Previous Nursing Exams

1. The lab results are now available for a nurse caring for a patient with Addison’s disease. Which of the following results are UNEXPECTED in this patient?
a. Hyponatremia
b. Hypocalcemia
c. Hyperkalemia
d. Hypokalemia
Answer. Hypokalemia
• A patient with Addison’s may have hypocalcemia due to poor diet and lack of appetite.
• They are expected to have hyponatremia and hyperkalemia as part of their labs.
• Hypokalemia, however, is related to Cushing’s, not Addison’s

2. A patient begins hyperventilating due to a panic attack. The registered nurse knows that the correct intervention is to:
a. Call the physician
b. Have the patient bear down
c. Have the patient breathe into a paper bag
d. Put the patient on 2L oxygen.
Answer. Have the patient breathe into a paper bag
Explanation. Paper bag is the best method because it allows the patient to breathe back in their own CO2 with less oxygen and correct the balance.


3. A patient at the outpatient clinic describes leg pain that occurs while walking and is relieved with rest. The patient asks why this happens to him. The nurse knows that the pain is related:
a. Arterial insufficiency
b. Venous insufficiency
c. Heart failure
d. Angina
Answer. Arterial insufficiency
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4. A client with baseline decreased mental status is ordered to receive a tube feeding. The nurse knows the best position for the patient once the feeding has finished is:
a. Right side with head of the bed elevated
b. Semi-Fowler’s
c. Left side with head of the bed elevated
d. High-Fowler’s
Answer. Right side with head of the bed elevated
Explanation. Placing the patient on the right side is ideal for digestion and having the head of the bed elevated will prevent aspiration.


5. Which of the following materials would the graduate nurse require to test the function of a patient’s glossopharyngeal nerve?
a. Soft cotton swab and a toothpick
b. Tongue depressor
c. A handheld mirror
d. A stethoscope
Answer. Tongue depressor
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6. A patient is scheduled for a cardiac catheterization this afternoon. Which of the following, if noted in the patient’s chart by the nurse, is a contraindication to the test?
a. The patient is allergic to eggs
b. The patient is unable to lie on her right side for than 15 minutes.
c. The patient has history of asthma
d. The patient is allergic to clams
Answer. The patient is allergic to clams, Frequently Asked Nursing Questions and Answers | Nursing Questions Asked in Previous Nursing Exams history
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7. The nurse is caring for a client after an ECT treatment. The nurse is MOST concerned if which of the following is observed?
a. The client is unable to remember what she ate for breakfast
b. The client complains of backache
c. The client is unable to recall her name
d. The client complains of headache
Answer. The client complains of backache
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8. The nurse cares for a client diagnosed with conversion reaction. The nurse identifies the client is utilizing which of the following defense mechanisms?
a. Introjection
b. Displacement
c. Repression
d. Identification
Answer. Repression
Explanation. The patient is repressing their stressful thoughts and converting them into a physical symptom (conversion reaction)


9. A patient has the following medication orders: Pantaprozole 40mg PO qAM, Metoprolol 50mg PO bid, Lorazepam 0.5mg PO now, Albuterol 1 puff PRN. The patient’s medical history includes high cholesterol and asthma. Which of the orders should the nurse question?
a. Albuterol
b. Lorazepam
c. Metoprolol
d. Pantaprozole
Answer. Metoprolol
Explanation. A patient with a Frequently Asked Nursing Questions and Answers | TOP Nursing Questions in Previous Nursing Exams of breathing issues like asthma cannot take a beta-1 and beta-2 receptors and can result in bronchospasm.


10. A graduate nurse prepares a patient to undergo a liver biopsy. The graduate nurse administers what a pre-op medication?
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin B-12
c. Coumadin
d. Vitamin K
Answer. Vitamin K
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11. A primigravida at term is admitted to the birthing room in active labor. Later, when the client is 8 cm dilated, she tells the nurse that she has the urge to push. The nurse instructs her to pant-blow at this time because pushing could:
a. Lead to a precipitous birth
b. Rupture the uterus
c. Prolapse the cord
d. Cause cervical edema
Answer. Cause cervical edema
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12. The nurse cares for a patient with myasthenia gravis. Which of the following is a symptom that is NOT typically part of the disease?
a. Diplopia
b. Shuffling gait
c. Muscle weakness
d. Ptosis
Answer. Shuffling gait
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